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What is It?

Uses will have been + a verb in the present tense (present particle) or am/is/are + going to have been + a verb in the present tense (present particle) to show how much time it will take before something happens or to show how something happened in the future.

When to Use?

Cases Examples
* To show how much time it will take before something happens. 1. They will have been eating cherries for over two hours before Timothy comes home from tutoring.2. He is going to have been writing for two weeks without break before they publish his article.
* To show how something happened in the future. 1. Sue will be sleepy because she will have been drinking chamomile tea for 10 hours.2. When Michael returns from Australia, his accent will be different, as he is going to have been studying English there for over one year.

Important to Remember

This tense cannot be used in clauses that begin with time-expressions like when, before, and after.


You won’t get a candy bar until you will have been working in the garden for two hours. Not correct.

You won’t get a candy bar until you have been working in the garden for two hours. Correct.

Also, remember that non-continuous verbs, or verbs you cannot see someone doing, cannot be used in this tense.


Brian will have been having his BA degree in mathematics for over three years. Not correct.

Brian will have had his BA degree in mathematics for over three years. Correct.

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