Since childhood, I have watched my father take photographs of landscapes and people, and have been consistently amazed by quality photography. When I was a child, I could not understand how it was possible to freeze pieces of reality: sunshine, trees in the wind, cars passing by, flying birds, somebody’s face. I liked to look at photos in our family album for hours, imagining what people in the images were talking or thinking about, what the weather was like, what they did before and after taking the photo. For me, they were almost alive, moving, and breathing. And though today I am not as naive as I used to be in my childhood, I still believe in the magic of photography; moreover, I want to learn how to create this magic myself. This is the reason why I have decided to attend free photography classes, organized by the Silverton College of Visual Arts and Design.

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I have set several goals for myself that I want to achieve. First of all, I want to learn about composition. I had noticed many times that some pictures look better than others due to the location and distribution of objects. This especially refers to still-life and photos of items. I used to shoot photos myself, trying to imitate the style of famous photographers, but my pictures looked chaotic, and I am sure it is due to a lack of knowledge about composition. In this class, I want to fill this gap in order to create balanced and adjusted images.

Perhaps the most astonishing aspect of photography for me is lighting. I enjoy watching how light and shade, combined and interwoven together, create atmospheric and credible pictures. This is especially valuable in black-and-white photography; portraits, still-life, landscapes, abstract—almost anything becomes relief and alive if light and shade are fully involved. My second goal is to learn how to use light properly, both artificial (in studio) and natural in the open air.

The last but not the least goal for me is to learn how to use all the abilities of DSLR cameras. I am convinced that being familiar with what you are working with makes at least a third of success in any occupation. At the same time, my experience in photography is limited by using so-called digital soapbox-cameras that are short in capability in terms of taking artistic photos. In this class, I would like to learn all the technicalities and specifics of using amateur and professional DSLR cameras.

Photography has consistently been an area of interest for me. Since my childhood, it has remained an object of curiosity, but now I have decided to start taking professional pictures on my own. For this purpose, I want to start attending photography classes, in which I hope to learn the basics of composition, working with light and shade, and obtain knowledge about the technical aspects of photography.

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