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Perry Cellar
278346 Wayward St.
Chicago, Illinois, 019183
(222) 454-9098
[email protected]

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23rd of April, 2012

Barbara Wishers
Human Resources Advisor
Social Editing
87364 Squider Ave.
Chicago, Illinois, 019383

Dear Barbara Wishers,

I saw the advertisement for the position of social media expert in The Gaff and thought the job description matched my qualifications perfectly. I was told by William Relish, a social media analyst that has analyzed your workflow, that Social Editing is one of the top companies to be working for in Chicago. As a first-class social media expert, I only wish to apply to the top-ranking social media companies.

I earned my M.A. in Online Marketing from the University of Berkeley in 1998. Since then, I have worked in three companies that have stood out from the rest in terms of social media marketing: Holdern and Inc., Re-Issue, and Syncopant Blue. At Syncopant Blue, they offered me the title of “Manager of Online Marketing” within the company in just seven months of being an employee there.

Besides being a top-ranked company, I am impressed by Social Editing‘s confluence of social media marketing and copy editing. I believe it is a genius idea and I would be willing to contribute in both fields, as I earned my B.A. in Journalism from Dortsmoth University in 1996. I freelance on a weekly basis as a text editor for a small business resource online, namely The Small Business Fervor.

On a more personal note, I can say I am a team-leader by nature and believe in working collectively. I am ambitious, but do not let myself go outside the limits of being personable and amiable. I am definitely a people-person and work best in a group format.

I look forward to hearing back from you. I am certain that my experience and education will fit well in your company.


Perry Cellar
(222) 454-9098
[email protected]

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