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32 Chester Dr.
Creede, CO 81130, USA
Phone: 555-432-0983

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March 28, 2014

German’s Bookstore
Consumer Complaint Division
11 Northumberland Ave.
Creede, CO 81130, USA

Dear Mr. German,

I am writing this letter to express my gratitude personally to you and to the employees of your bookstore. This letter is inspired by yesterday’s meeting with famous writers, organized in the space of your store.

I visited your shop for the first time yesterday. Before, I used to buy books at Barkley’s, on the corner of 5th Street and Chester Drive; compared to your shop, it has a narrower selection of books, but I got used to it, as until your bookstore opened, there was no other shop except Barkley’s where I would want to buy books. However, when I entered your store yesterday, I was surprised and attracted by the posters with the names of such famous writers as J.R.R. Walkien, Steven Ping, and Ernest Hummingbird written on them; the posters said they were going to be conducting a literary workshop, followed by an autographing session. Intrigued, I decided to stay and to see what would happen, and I did not regret my decision.

The workshop was intense and useful for me; the fact is that I am an amateur writer who would like to self-promote and become recognized by reputed publishing houses outside of Creede, or even Perguin. I am interested not only in writing techniques, but also in the ways how a young writer like me can self-promote, what to take into consideration when dealing with publishing houses, and the specifics of American copyright laws. So, due to the meeting organized by you, I have unexpectedly received answers to the questions that interested me. Besides, I have received autographs from my favorite modern writers.

I sincerely hope that in the future, your bookstore will continue to host such wonderful events. I would appreciate a possibility to meet more well-known writers in person. Please keep up the good work.


John Winning

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