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From: John Malkovich
Asheville Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Center
56, North Springsteen Dr.
Asheville, NC 28803
Phone: 555-677-382-110

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21st May, 2013

To: Stephen Fries
221, Reginald Ave.
Spencer & Looney, Ltd.
Asheville, NC 28803

Dear Mr. Fries,

I am writing this letter on behalf of the Asheville Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Center. As you may have heard, our organization is famous for its dedication in returning individuals who are debilitated by drug addiction to normal life. Though we have a renowned facility, the state does not allocate us money for our rehabilitation programs, so we have to seek donations and sponsorship elsewhere. On the other hand, your company is well-known for its regular sponsorship of medical institutions. Therefore, I would like to ask you for your sponsorship of the ADARC.

The reason why we are asking for your aid is that the ADARC is in a desperate need of new diagnostics equipment. Occasional (though generous) donations from caring citizens and charity organizations helped gather much more funds than were expected—the money was used to hire new, competent specialists and to construct a new building for patients with heavy withdrawal symptoms. Unfortunately, a one-time investment cannot solve all the problems that the ADARC faces year-by-year. Therefore, it was decided that in order to gather funds necessary to solve our current problems, we need a sponsor whom we could cooperate with.

Your sponsorship will help the ADARC solve its urgent issue involving the lack of equipment. In particular, ADARC needs a magnetic resonance tomograph, PET and CT scanners, as well as an ECMO and a dialysis machine.

We believe that sponsorship would not only benefit our center, but also supply your company with advantages as well. Each activity the ADARC engages in will be under your auspices, providing Spencer & Looney, Ltd. with many more opportunities to be advertised. In the case of your refusal, the ADARC will have to refer to other potential sponsors, but most likely the institution will have to seek ways of treating its patients at the expense of charity donations.

Thank you for your understanding and support. Your help will be invaluable for the ADARC and especially for its patients, who make their best to beat their addictions every day.


John Malkovich

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