From: John Mathews
Help Children Foundation
56 Northumerland Avenue
Sunnydale, WY 83119
Phone: 555-689-111-333

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21st January, 2013

To: Ronald Williamson
117 Reginald Street
Sunnydale, WY 83119

Dear Mr. Williamson,

I am writing to you on behalf of the Help Children Foundation, an organization that gathers funds to assist children’s orphanages all over the U.S. The Help Children Foundation has functioned for over 20 years and has earned a reputation as a reliable and enthusiastic organization that has helped to better the lives of hundreds of children. We are calling on you, since you are well-known for your charitable donations. We hope you might want to perform another notable act of philanthropy and help children from the Sunnydale Town Orphanage.

As you might have heard, the Sunnydale Town Orphanage houses more than 50 talented children, aged 6 to 15. Many of them have participated in various regional contests of fine art and have won various awards. These children express a deep interest in the arts, and the administration of the orphanage has decided to initiate an educational program aimed at teaching art to children and helping them develop their artistic skills. However, the lack of money is a significant issue for the orphanage. Many children in Sunnydale Town Orphanage dream of a life-long career in the arts, and you can help them get closer to their dream.

All the money you donate at this time will be transferred to the Sunnydale Town Orphanage bank account and used to purchase the materials needed for fine art classes. These materials may include any or all of the following: canvases, linen seed, watercolors, oil and acrylic paints, solvents, brushes, paper, pastels, and many other artistic supplies. In addition, your money will be used to pay for the services of professional art teachers. We are accepting donations starting from as little as $50.

Of course, children can learn a lot about art by themselves, even without appropriate education; however, without your help, the children will experience the lack of needed materials, and perhaps lose a chance to become professional artists. Their interest and enthusiasm for learning will go a long way, but on the other hand, your donation will provide much needed materials to go along with their natural skills and motivation.

Thank you for your understanding and support. Your help will be invaluable; with it, Sunnydale Town Orphanage will become a great starting place for young artists!

John Mathews

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