James Jordan
353 South Plymouth Dr.
Silverton, OR 97381, USA
Phone: 555-253-567-129
Email: [email protected]
ID: 005911242
Date of Birth: 29th June, 1990

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11th February, 2013

Dear Members of the Silverton College Selection Committee,

Please accept this letter as my appeal to Silverton College’s decision to reject my application for admission. My request for admission was declined due to the fact that my SAT scores from my December exam were lower than those required to enter Silverton College.

I agree my test scores in December were not good; however, there were circumstances that affected my scores. At the time, I was experiencing serious health issues, which made it difficult to properly prepare for the SAT tests. However, in January, I retook the exam and significantly improved my scores. The following improvements have been made to my previous scores:
1) The writing section improved from 600 to 760
2) The quantitative scores rose from 560 to 710

Based on this improvement, I would like to ask you to reconsider your previous decision to decline my admission to Silverton College. Should you require any additional information, I will gladly provide it. Please contact me via email or phone at your convenience.


James Jordan

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