Why Do People Snore? Essay Sample, Example

Snoring is a natural thing humans and animals do. It can be annoying to sleep around people who snore. Often, people say it is the bane of their existence to hear their husband, lover, or what have you snore throughout…

Highest rate 35664

The Causes of Brexit Essay Sample, Example

The word itself, “Brexit” is a mix of the words “Britain” and ‘exit.” It signifies Britain leaving the European Union. You have heard about it the news, and the word floats around in social circles. However, how much do you…

Highest rate 18562

How TV has Changed Our Lives Essay Sample, Example

TV, or television, has transformed our lives dramatically since it was first introduced in 1954. It especially took off in 1962, when color television came to the public. It seems that the world never was the same after TV was…

Highest rate 35798

Causes of Unemployment Essay Sample, Example

Though employment worldwide seems to be rising, unemployment is still a serious issue. Also, there are many workers that can easily be fired and with positions that are unstable. But what are the main causes of employment? Recessions, outsourcing, low…

Highest rate 34149

The Effects of a Lack of Sleep Essay Sample, Example

A lack of sleep seems pervasive. We are sleeping less than ever before, some studies have shown. Our lives are becoming more and more busy with each passing era, and even children are suffering from sleep deprivation due to all…

Highest rate 67066

Why Teenagers Try Drugs Essay Sample, Example

Teenagers are renowned for being curious about the world around them and wanting to discover new activities. It is not surprising that addictive and destructive substances such as drugs would attract teengers’ attention. But why exactly do they strive to…

Highest rate 34062

Causes of World War I Essay Sample, Example

World War I spanned from July, 1914 until November 11, 1918. The War caused the deaths of over 17 million people. However, telling about the causes of the first world war is not so easy. There were a multitude of…

Highest rate 11566

Causes of the Great Depression Essay Sample, Example

Beginning in the United States, the Great Depression was a worldwide economic depression. According to data, it was the longest, deepest, and most widespread depression of its kind in the 20th century. It is said the Great Depression started on…

Highest rate 34637

Romantic Attraction Essay Sample, Example

Sometimes, it seems we are attracted towards people romantically in an inexplicable manner. We see someone and our romantic side sparks up. However, it is not a mystery to science and people who study sociology. There are definite causes as…

Highest rate 22196

Factors that Affect Our Health Essay Sample, Example

JOIN OUR LEARNING HUB ✅ AI Essay Writer ✅ AI Detector ✅ Plagchecker ✅ Paraphraser ✅ Summarizer ✅ Citation GeneratorGet Free Tools By Johannes Helmold Being healthy is kind of a mysterious thing. Some people can drink alcohol all the time…

Highest rate 27598

Top Factors Causing Stress Essay Sample, Example

Modern psychology leans towards believing that maturing is a continuous process which can last one’s entire life, rather than a single moment of psychological “initiation,” after which a person realizes that he or she has become an adult. Respectively, challenges…

Highest rate 28709

Reasons for Low Self-Esteem Essay Sample, Example

Western society seems to be promoting self-confidence as the ultimate response to any challenge a person might experience throughout his or her lifetime. Starting with games for children in which no one loses (to prevent disappointment) and ending up with…

Highest rate 29614

Will All the Trees Disappear? Essay Sample, Example

Major deforestation is a known issue today, but not many think about it as more than just a statistic. Though forests still cover roughly 30% of Earth’s surface, forests as large as half of England are being cut down each…

Highest rate 23209

What Causes Teenagers to Run Away from Home Essay Sample, Example

Adolescence is probably the most extreme period in the life of an individual. Transiting from childhood to being an adult is full of rioting, searching for one’s identity and purpose, developing new models of behavior, psychologically separating from parents, and…

Highest rate 52832

The Automation of Jobs Essay Sample, Example

As exciting as the advancement of cybernetics and robotics might look, it also poses a challenge to the way of life we have got accustomed to throughout centuries. Perhaps since the beginning of time, there was a job to do,…

Highest rate 17377

What Insomnia Can Do to Your Mind and Body Essay Sample, Example

One of the most common health problems of modernity is insomnia—or, how it is also often called, sleep deprivation. Its prevalence is caused by the fact that it, firstly, accompanies a large number of mental conditions (starting from regular anxiety…

Highest rate 34287

Amnesia and Its Causes Essay Sample, Example

Almost any time when you watch a Hollywood action movie, or play an action video game, you will most likely meet a character suffering from memory loss. This phenomena of memory loss, also known as amnesia, is a complicated neurological…

Highest rate 11430

Ways in Which VR Can Change Our Lives Essay Sample, Example

It is commonplace that technologies are changing the world we live in. Roughly every two decades, Earth becomes almost a brand new place in terms of technological wonders becoming routine, and revolutionary ideas settling as solid scientific theories. However, we…

Highest rate 14186

Psychological Effects of Having an Abortion Essay Sample, Example

Although public morals have become more flexible and indulgent in the 21st century compared to previous epochs, there are still questions and moral problems that are difficult to evaluate and treat without bias. Abortion is one of such issues; although…

Highest rate 9065

Reasons for Anhedonia Essay Sample, Example

Living in a big city in the 21st century can be stressful: noise, rush, traffic jams, intrusive commercials, bad ecology, high prices, and other factors do not contribute to one’s calmness and inner harmony. Additional stresses such as hard work,…

Highest rate 7978

Positive Effects of the Feminism Movement Essay Sample, Example

Among the socio-political movements that managed to change the world we live in, feminism can be fairly called one of the most revolutionary and influential. Before its rise, few believed women were capable of achieving something outstanding in fields other…

Highest rate 34417

Causes of Having a Bad Mood Essay Sample, Example

If you ask someone if they would rather be in a good or in a bad mood, this person will most likely think you are weird. The majority of people obviously prefer to feel good and to be in a…

Highest rate 17911

Possible Outcomes of Skipping Classes at School Essay Sample, Example

The times when parents were responsible for their children’s academic accomplishments—and students themselves—seem to have gone. Nowadays, many people believe it is the high school administration, teachers, and the government that are responsible for students getting good grades. Before, when…

Highest rate 50576

Cause of Lung Cancer Essay Sample, Example

Among terminal diseases humanity has not yet learned to treat, cancer is probably one of the most feared illnesses. Unlike AIDS or other diseases widely spread in countries with low standards of living, cancer’s geography is much wider, including both…

Highest rate 56914

Causes of Social Anxiety Disorder Essay Sample, Example

People are exposed to huge amounts of stress each day. Problems at work, dysfunctional relationships, insurance issues, taxes, children’s misbehavior, and so on—these typical misfortunes can upset anyone. However, there is a psychological problem that can make one’s life excessively…

Highest rate 34916

Causes of Homelessness Essay Sample, Example

How many times have you passed by people sitting on the street, with a plastic glass or a small cardboard box asking for spare change? Have you ever noticed the amounts of people who have neither home, nor a job…

Highest rate 58579

Causes of Poverty Essay Sample, Example

Although our world is developing at a rapid rate in terms of technology, and many problems of the 20th century have been solved, there still are issues that humanity cannot deal with. Among such challenges as hunger, wars, natural disasters,…

Highest rate 64613

Effects of the Chinese One-child Policy Essay Sample, Example

In the 21st century, the majority of problems that scourged humanity for centuries have been pacified by science and medicine. Diseases are being successfully cured; famine does not occur in the majority of developed countries; wars are no longer global.…

Highest rate 14749

Why Do Children Misbehave? Essay Sample, Example

Children are one of the biggest treasures for married couples—this is what many happy families would say when asked about children. Indeed, raising children can give a new meaning to the life of many parents. But at the same time,…

Highest rate 17054

Effects of Water Pollution Essay Sample, Example

Industrial development and production in western first-world countries has long ago reached the level where it is possible to dramatically affect the environment. Among such industry-related problems as air pollution, soil contamination, radioactive waste, and so on, the problem of…

Highest rate 30566

The Causes of Depression Essay Sample, Example

Living in the 21st century, apart from various commodities and products of technological progress, implies facing serious challenges. Among them, one can name global warming, third-world country hunger and poverty, nuclear weapons, cancer, and so on; one of such issues…

Highest rate 58116

Causes of Lower Back Pain Essay Sample, Example

Technological progress has made numerous operations people perform on a daily basis much simpler. Compared to the living standards of several centuries ago, physical security is almost promised nowadays. This, as well as other factors, has caused significant changes in…

Highest rate 8955

Positive Effects of Faith Essay Sample, Example

Since the time scientific discoveries had proven some religious dogmas to be flawed, humanity became divided in two opposite camps: believers and atheists. Though religion and following its dogmas is not equal to the faith in God, by majority, people…

Highest rate 17105

Why are Beauty Contests Harmful? Essay Sample, Example

Competition can be fairly called one of the main motivators, as well as one of the main organizing principles for individuals. It affects many spheres of life: employment, work performance, global marketing, education, creativity and arts, even entertainment. A bright…

Highest rate 30113

Causes of Teenage Suicide Essay Sample, Example

To live means not only to exist biologically or as a psychic entity, but also to cope with difficulties, interact and communicate with people, make decisions, and sometimes undergo excessive psychological pressure. Even an adult mind can fail to maintain…

Highest rate 26811

Negative Effects of Laziness Essay Sample, Example

Sometimes, an urge to rest passively is overwhelming; the most common reason for this is fatigue, as the fast pace of metropolitan life requires people to push themselves to the limit on a daily basis. In such cases, there is nothing wrong…

Highest rate 45452

Reasons Standing behind Poverty Essay Sample, Example

After the global economic crisis of 2008, many people around the globe faced one of the worst social phenomenons: poverty. In the United States alone, the number of poor people in 2012 increased up to 46.5 million (Reuters). In developing…

Highest rate 14447

How Positive Thinking Affects Personality Essay Sample, Example

More than 60 years have passed since the time when American priest and theologian Norman Peale had offered his famous theory of positive thinking. Though it was heavily criticized by the psychiatric community, Peale’s book describing this theory has become…

Highest rate 19045

The Love of Money is a Root of Evil Essay Sample, Example

Thinkers of many cultures and epochs have sought to find the fundamental reasons for social problems. Philosophers of the past analyzed numerous contributing factors, such as leaders, money, religion, and so on. A significant number of these thinkers came to…

Highest rate 33148

Negative Effects of Noise Pollution Essay Sample, Example

Industry growth, an increasing number of vehicles and constant information overload causes a significant and underestimated problem: noise pollution. The term noise pollution is used to define unwanted sounds that are released into the environment. Various research studies have proven…

Highest rate 31319

Impacts of Technologies on Modern Children Essay Sample, Example

Digital-age children, even down to the very youngest, divide their time between three major innovations: television, computers, and video games, but is there harm in children spending increasing amounts of time engaging in media-related activities? There are no easy answers…

Highest rate 13585

The Consequences of World War II Essay Sample, Example

World War II can be rightly called one of the most significant events in the history of humanity. It had a significant impact on the development of the entire world, and resulted in the revision of many socio-political doctrines, policies,…

Highest rate 34471

Problems that Arise from Alcohol Advertising Essay Sample, Example

Various facets of a society, be it the youth, mature adults, or even children are constantly exposed to complex and often conflicting messages about alcohol usage (Gorg 546). Alcohol advertising indirectly causes many societal problems that need to be dealt…

Highest rate 9694

The Effects of Global Climate Change Essay Sample, Example

During the last century, more inventions were made than during the whole of history (Collins 64). Humanity flew into space, tamed atomic energy, found a way to cure many diseases that were considered incurable, and almost every day is marked…

Highest rate 20256


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