EasyBib vs CitationMachine

published November 24, 2023 - updated March 1, 2024

Quick Overview

EasyBib and Citation Machine, both part of Chegg’s family of educational tools, often lead users to wonder, “Is Citation Machine reliable?” as they offer similar user experiences and quality levels, reflecting their shared corporate lineage. However, our mystery shopping exercise revealed subtle distinctions between them. Citation Machine provides a broader range of subscription choices and a marginally superior overall user experience. In contrast, EasyBib stands out with its enhanced integration capabilities with text editors.

TOP services Our verdict AHelp Score 🔥 Updated January 2024
Service icon
AHELP Citation
Best citation machine 94/100 Get free access
Service icon
Best free plan 92/100 Read review
Service icon
Citation Machine
Highest citing convenience 91/100 Read review
Service icon
Perfect for MLA citing 89/100 Read review
Service icon
Best for website citations 87/100 Read review
Liked about EasyBib
  • Diverse styles and sources
  • Extensive citation capabilities
  • Integration options
Liked about Citation Machine
  • Free version
  • Ability to connect Chegg’s features
  • Overall citation convenience
An infographic with a short EasyBib vs CitationMachine comparison describing the ways these 2 services were tested and how the winner was picked
Best fit forCiting in the MLA styleMulti-style citation
A*Help Score8991
Citation Convenience⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The service is user-friendly and straightforward, yet certain citation functionalities are restricted to the paid version.
CitationMachine, in contrast, allows the comprehensive creation and editing of citations without imposing any limitations.
Value for Money⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Under EasyBib’s free plan, users are restricted to MLA-style citations and a grammar checker that only identifies the first five errors. Access to a wider range of styles and additional services requires upgrading to a paid subscription.
Citation Machine’s free version offers access to all citation styles, on the condition that
ad blockers are disabled. To unlock extra features, users have the option to choose from two different paid subscription packages.
Overall Experience⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
EasyBib offers integration capabilities with both Microsoft Word and Google Docs, enhancing convenience for a broad range of users.
CitationMachine’s integration is limited to Microsoft Word, offering a more focused but less versatile option.

Comparing Value for Money: EasyBib vs CitationMachine

Value for money20/2521/25
Range of styles5/55/5
Citation sources7/77/7
Additional tools7/107/10
A screenshot of pricing plans at Easy Bib
Pricing plans at EasyBib (click to see a large image)
A screenshot of pricing plans at Citation Machine
Pricing plans at CitationMachine (click to see a large image)

Comparing Overall Experience: EasyBib vs CitationMachine

Overall experience21/2520/25
Website experience8/107/10
A screenshot of citation editing options at EasyBib.com
Citation editing options at EasyBib (click to see a large image)
A screenshot of a citation generation at CitationMachine.net
Citation generation at CitationMachine (click to see a large image)

EasyBib VS CitationMachine: Which is Better for Citing?

As both services are related, they operate similarly and produce citations in an identical manner. Hence, the deciding factor for the superior service should be based on additional criteria beyond basic citation generation.


📚Book: “Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition” by Stephen D. KrashenAPA 7th editionKrashen, S. (1999). Principles and practice in Second language acquisition. Phoenix ELT. 
📑 Article: “The Louisiana Purchase and South Carolina’s Reopening of the Slave Trade in 1803” by Jed Handelsman ShugermanChicagoShugerman, Jed Handelsman. “The Louisiana Purchase and South Carolina’s Reopening of the Slave Trade in 1803.” Journal of the Early Republic 22, no. 2 (2002): 263. https://doi.org/10.2307/3125182. 
📽️ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Y361IwXpVc&ab_channel=ATARNotesHSCMLA 9th editionYouTube, YouTube, 12 June 2018, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Y361IwXpVc&ab_channel=ATARNotesHSC. Accessed 11 Oct. 2023. 
🌐 Webpage: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/154874HarvardPsychology: Definitions, branches, history, and how to become one (no date) Medical News Today. Available at: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/154874 (Accessed: 11 October 2023). 

The Winner

These two platforms are closely ranked in the list of top online citation generators. Yet, when considering the aggregate of individual metrics and the overall Ahelp score, CitationMachine emerges as the superior choice between the two. Its more advantageous cost-effectiveness proposition enables it to edge out Easybib MLA citation generator by a narrow margin.

Main Specs

> Range of styles
multiple others
> Citation sources
journal article
> Additional tools
Plagiarism checker
Grammar checker
Text summarizer
AI content detection
> Pricing
Free accountYESYES
EasyBib Plus $9.95CitationMachine Plus $9.95
EasyBib® Plus & Chegg® Study Pack $19.95
> Registration
Trial period
Functional personal account
3-party login options
> Website experience
Exporting and Sharing
Integration with Writing Software
Saves user’s preferences
Convenient on mobile
AddsA lotA lot
> Support
Live chat
Contact form
> Data retrieval
> Search options
by author
by title
> Cite’s editing options
quick style change
copy in-text citation
create bibliography entry
download works cited
warns if info is missing
> Citing scale
whole book

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