Cover Letter

(…) MadeMen is a company that offers its services in coaching and personnel training. We provide our clients with educational courses based on the latest research in psychology; these courses are aimed at helping our customers increase their personal effectiveness; successfully conduct business communication and influence their business partners; rationally plan and schedule their time; efficiently manage human resources with their enterprises, and many other services.

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MadeMen is a renowned leader in the market of coaching services. Our company was founded in 1986, and we have been leaders in our field for almost 30 years. We have long-term partnerships with a number of well-known companies, such as Microsoft, Apple, Google, Pierce & Pierce, KFC, McDonald’s and many others. What we can do for your enterprise is provide a set of highly efficient corporate refresher courses for a significant discount, in exchange for a long-term partnership.

Title Page (format only)

  • Company Logo
  • Company Name
  • Addressee
  • Name of the person who prepared the proposal
  • Date of submission

Table of Contents

Cover Letter……………………………………………….1
Executive Summary………………………………………..3
a. Collaboration Features…………………………………..3
b. Troubleshooting…………………………………………5
c. Business Proposal……………………………………….7
a. List of Services…………………………………………9
b. Schedules and Benchmarks……………………………..15
c. Legal Matters…………………………………………..17

Executive Summary

(…) One of the most common problems that employers face when working with their employees is procrastination. In general, it means a person constantly delays performing their work duties in favor of some other matters: minor, but seemingly important. Among the common examples of procrastination are regular email and social profile checking, frequent coffee breaks, random website browsing, messaging, and so on. Needless to say, such behavior negatively affects the quality and quantity of work done. However, at MadeMen, we believe procrastination is not necessarily equal to laziness; more often it comes from a person’s inability to organize their working process, and in their incorrect approach towards their duties.

(…) And this is where your company needs MadeMen’s services. In our courses, we work not only with your employees’ motivation, but also help them see their place in the working process from a different perspective. We teach them how to maintain their working hours in such a way that they can complete a larger amount of tasks by the same terms; how to revise their behavior and stop feeling uncomfortable about big or complicated tasks; how to increase their performance, sharpen business interaction, communication, leadership skills, and so on.


List of Services
Course Name Brief Description

Price (per week, for 1 person)

Back to the Future

Time management techniques; time estimating; doing more in less time; goal-setting; planning and scheduling.


2 weeks

Brace Yourselves!

Learning about procrastination and its reasons; managing tasks; approaching complicated tasks; techniques of bearing procrastination; increasing motivation.


2 weeks

Lie to Me

Communication techniques; learning body language; persuasion techniques; basic etiquette.


3 weeks

Gray Eminence

Managing human resources; relationships among coworkers; supervising, monitoring, and regulating employees’ activities; leadership training.


3 weeks


(…) This document, as well as any other files attached to it, are confidential and intended only for the use of the addressee. If you are not the named addressee, you are prohibited from disseminating, distributing, or copying this proposal.

(…) Visit our official website for more details about our corporate courses.

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