Admin by Admin

127 Godzilla Dr.
Creede, CO 81130, USA
Phone: 555-485-1161
James Willinghovergust, Jr.

Woman shrugging
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September 23, 2013

Creede Company of Things, Inc.
Department of Revenue
54 Hooray Ave.
Creede, CO 81130, USA

Dear Mr. Beriger,

download (2)I am your company’s regular customer, using your online shop for a couple of years now. Recently, I saw you selling the lens that I wanted to purchase for a long time—specifically the Nikon AF-S 13-747mm f/1.2-1.8G lens.

However, crucial information about the lens was not specified on your website; specifically, it was not mentioned that the lens has already been in use, thus being a second-hand commodity. After I received the delivery and checked the lens, I noticed several scratches on its plastic shell, and even on the glass.

Considering I did not intend to buy a second-hand commodity and thought that I was paying for a new lens, I want a 70% refund. I am asking for this because I still need the lens for work, but I do not want to pay the full price for a commodity that has been in use, and which I would not have bought if I was aware of its faults.

I hope we can solve this small misunderstanding within 7 weeks, starting from September 24, 2014. Otherwise, I am afraid I will have to address the Consumer Protection Department.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation,


James Willinghovergust, Jr.

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