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battle between laptop and desktopMobility nowadays is kind of a sacred cow for the western world. Being able to go anywhere and keep in touch with the rest of the world regardless of one’s whereabouts is highly valued and cultivated. Vendors and manufacturers of all kinds of devices make mobility one of the main features of their products. Smartphones, tablets, ebooks, and especially laptops can be seen as perfect examples of mobile technologies. A regular laptop is a technological wonder, allowing its owner to work and have fun anywhere. Modern laptops are powerful and useful machines; however, considering this, a question arises: is there still a point in using big stationary desktop computers? The answer is “definitely yes.” A stationary desktop computer is still better than even the best of laptops, even though it is huge, it takes a lot of space, has loads of cords and wires connected to it, and you cannot put it in your bag.

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Why? The reasons are many. One of them is productivity. A desktop machine with an nVidia GeForce 9800GT video card, Intel Core i7 4GHz processor, two terabytes HDD, and 16 gigabytes of RAM is not a unique configuration—although quite expensive. Moreover, this is not the top specifications a desktop machine can reach. A laptop with hardware at least approximately close to these specifications would cost astronomical sums of money. In addition, laptops often have rather poor displays, which is a drawback for designers. Of course, there are Apple laptops with retina displays, but once again, they cost the same or are even more than a powerful desktop computer with a IPS-matrix 27” monitor. So, the first advantage of desktop computers is the balance between their computing and processing capabilities, and their price (IFR).

Upgrade options is a advantage of desktop computers. On average, every three years, a once-powerful hardware becomes obsolete. New operation systems, ever-increasing requirements for all kinds of software, games, graphic processing programs, and other utilities require higher computing capabilities. A desktop computer consists of modules: video card, processor, RAM, HDD, motherboard, and so on. Each of these modules can be easily changed; when you need a new video card, you buy a newer model and install it on your desktop; if you have minimal technology knowledge, you can even do it on your own. The same refers to other modules. Laptops are not even close to desktops when it comes to the variety of upgrade options. Once again, upgrading a desktop computer is much cheaper.

Comfort is another advantage desktop computers possess. Any desktop computer is a fully-customizable machine; loudspeakers, keyboards, mouses, monitors, and other hardware can be purchased based on the individual preferences of the user. At the same time, when a user buys a laptop, they have to accept everything “as is,” having to deal with the imperfections of the purchased gadget.

Although it might seem that in the age of mobility and in the era of laptops and tablets, desktop computers might have become obsolete, it is not true: desktops still possess a number of significant advantages that portable gadgets cannot boast of. Superb computing and processing capabilities, an almost infinite variety of upgrading options, as well as comfort and customization, allow desktop computers to remain competitive in the global market of technologies.


Doe, John J., Jr. “Laptops Beat Desktops? Not a Chance!” IFR. N.p., 12 May 2014. Web. 13 Oct. 2015.

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