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Throughout the recent decade or two, travelling has become extremely trendy. In a world where billions of people are bound to their cubicle workplaces, a possibility to buy an airplane ticket and fly to a different country is relieving. If you make a small effort, you will easily remember the titles of dozens of books united by the same plot: a man/woman works hard, breaks down, goes to India/Nepal/Africa, finds his/her true self, and returns back home enlightened; this stereotype illustrates the significance travelling has gained over the recent years.

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Travelling is fun and useful for the psyche. However, even if you are about to change your whole life, throw away the ties that bind, and be reborn, you will still have to solve a bunch of mundane tasks for your journey, the first of them is finding a place to sleep at night. Many travelers choose to stay in hotels (mostly those of an older age), while younger people prefer hostels and Hospitality Club options. And, by all means, a hostel is the best choice for a traveler. Regardless of your age or gender, if you are setting out to a new country with an intention to start a new life, a hostel is the place you need to stay at. Why?

Because a hostel is a place where cultures clash. It is like a hub, where people from all over the world meet, get to know each other, and make friends. During your first two days in a hostel, you can meet more new people than you did throughout your whole last year of office work. People in hostels are usually friendly and relaxed, often ready to share their stories, food, and experience with you, and expecting the same from you. Usually, on the third day in a hostel, you already start hanging out with a couple of interesting people. If you are more of an introverted type of personality, you might dislike dormitory rooms, but you will spend about 90% of your time out of a hostel anyways, so this should not be a big problem.

Prices are another huge advantage of any hostel. Even those located right in the center of a city still offer democratic and more than reasonable prices for their services: beds, laundry, shower and bathroom, wifi, kitchen, security (the majority of hostels are equipped with video cameras), travelling assistance, and so on. In fact, a hostel is a dormitory, so it does not provide as exquisite services as hotels usually do, and you have to share your personal space with other people. This is probably why a night in a hostel will cost you on average two-three times cheaper than if you would stay in a hotel.

Another benefit of staying in hostels comes from the fact that they are always full of people, including locals—not to mention the staff, who are almost always local people. Local people usually know the city just like their five fingers, and can provide you with invaluable tips about what you can do, what to see, what to eat, where to go, and also the best way to move around the city. They know the “features” of their hometown, so they understand what you are looking for as well, and can save you time and effort by telling you what to pay attention to in the first place.

Hostels are probably the best alternative for travelers seeking new experiences, not comfort. Whereas conventional hotels can provide you with exorbitant comfort and luxury (ask yourself: do you really need it?), hostels provide the basic amenities, for prices far lower than moderate. A hostel can be located right in the city center and still cost you up to three times cheaper than a room in a hotel. Hostel staff often consist of local folks who can show you around, or provide you with directions and tips. And, besides, there are many other travelers staying in hostels, so you can be sure you will make some new friends, or at least get to hear stories of other people’s lives and journeys, which is also a valuable experience. If you want to try out something new in your life, a hostel might be one of the first things to get yourself acquainted with.

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