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By Bhalachandra Sahaj

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Hi everyone!

Are you blogging?I’ve been blogging for quite a while already. Come to think of it, I must have already written a book or two of blog content. It is surprising how ideas and thoughts pile up and only wait to be expressed; before starting to write a blog, I thought I tend to have what I call “difficult periods” much more often than I actually do. Enlightened by some unexpected discoveries, I thought sharing some of them with you might be a good idea:

– There is always something to say.
We are living beings, and our minds produce tons of thoughts, images, ideas, and random content every day. The main problem is not that we don’t have anything worth writing about, but we cannot record everything that comes to our heads. Usually it happens like this: “Wow, that’s a bright idea—I’ll record it later—what was it?” Recording ideas via notebook or a notetaking app can help a lot.

– Writer’s block occurs much more seldom than we think.
Really, I don’t remember having one throughout a year or so. Of course, sometimes I had days when writing was unwanted task to fulfill. I would say to myself on those days: “Man, I just can’t write, my brain does not work,” but even such sufferings usually resulted in a blog post or two—about writer’s blocks, in particular. I think it’s fair to say in most cases when you think you have writer’s block, it’s fatigue, or laziness. True writer’s block occurs rarely.

– Any topic you choose can be limitlessness.
Seriously, don’t ever think you’ve already “exploited a topic to death, and nothing else can be said.” I’ve been blogging about writing for 12 months (or so), writing a post or two every single day, and trust me, there is so much more to write about. I believe whatever you choose to write about, you can specialize in it for years, and still discover something new. This is how you learn, by the way.

– You cannot find the objective truth.
Deal with it. Believing you can remain 100% objective and impartial is like believing an individual can act without emotions, entirely on a rational basis. There is always a part of you in whatever you write; even the facts you choose for evidence are already subjective due to the phenomenon of selective cognition. Don’t seek for the ultimate truth—express your version of it.

You cannot write perfectly either.
This is the reason why many young writers lose faith in themselves. Perfectionism is a habit to get rid of. Perfect is the enemy to decent, and whereas being simply good in something (let it be writing) is definitely possible, being perfect is a goal that can never be achieved. Be a decent writer—that’s enough.

Good luck, and stay updated!

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