Have you ever paused and wondered whether to use “paid” or “paid”? Even though we all know that “paid” is the only correct past form for the word “pay”, sometimes the version “payed” may pop up in our heads too. So which one to use? Simply put, “paid” is the past tense of “pay,” used in most situations, while “payed” is reserved for a specific nautical context. Curious to learn more? Well then, keep on reading.

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Payed vs Paid: Definitions & Usage Examples

With the verb “paid” everything’s clear: it is the past tense of “pay,” and you’ll use it in most scenarios involving money (any financial or transactional contexts).

“I paid my rent on time this month.”
“She paid for her groceries with a credit card.”

On the other hand, “payed” is used specifically in nautical (marine/naval) contexts. In that sense and form, the word “pay” can have two meanings:

  • to let out a line or rope by slackening
  • or to waterproof the parts of the ship with tar, resin or pitch.

“The sailor payed out the rope carefully” or “They payed off the ship from the dock.”
“The sailor payed the deck seams with tar to keep the water out.”

Hence, unless you’re talking about something related to sailing, “paid” is your go-to choice. If you’re still confused, keep a grammar checker on hand.

The Origins of the Word “Pay”

The word “pay” has an interesting history, originating from the Latin verb “pacare,” which means “to pacify.” This Latin root made its way into English through the Anglo-Norman word “paier.”

In modern English, “pay” primarily refers to transactions involving money, like when you pay someone for goods or services. Additionally, it extends to giving attention, as in “paying attention.” Yet, as we found out above, it still has some marine-themed meaning (though you might not encounter it that often.)

Practice Exercises

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of “paid” or “payed.”

  1. She _______ the bill before leaving the restaurant.
  2. The old ship was _______ off the wind to change its course.
  3. They _______ the contractor for the renovation work.
  4. The crew _______ out the anchor chain slowly.
  5. He _______ for the concert tickets online.

Answers Exercise 1.

  1. She paid the bill before leaving the restaurant.
  2. The old ship was payed off the wind to change its course.
  3. They paid the contractor for the renovation work.
  4. The crew payed out the anchor chain slowly.
  5. He paid for the concert tickets online.

Exercise 2: Identify the Correct Usage

Identify if the usage of “paid” or “payed” is correct in the following sentences. If incorrect, replace it with the correct word.

  1. The sailor payed the deck seams to prevent water from seeping in. (Correct/Incorrect)
  2. I have already paid my dues for this month. (Correct/Incorrect)
  3. The team paid out the rope as they prepared to dock. (Correct/Incorrect)
  4. She has always payed her rent on time. (Correct/Incorrect)

Answers Exercise 2.

  1. The sailor payed the deck seams to prevent water from seeping in. (Correct)
  2. I have already paid my dues for this month. (Correct)
  3. The team payed out the rope as they prepared to dock. (Incorrect)
  4. She has always paid her rent on time. (Incorrect)

Exercise 3: Rewrite the Sentences

Rewrite the following sentences using the correct form of “paid” or “payed.”

  1. The captain payed off the ship to avoid the storm.
  2. He has never payed his taxes late.
  3. They payed out the fishing nets into the sea.
  4. She payed the artist for the beautiful painting.

Answers Exercise 3.

  1. The captain payed off the ship to avoid the storm.
  2. He has never paid his taxes late.
  3. They payed out the fishing nets into the sea.
  4. She paid the artist for the beautiful painting.


Which is correct, paid or payed?

“Paid” is the correct form to use in most contexts. It is the past tense of “pay” and is used for general transactions involving money or attention. “Payed” is a specialized term used in nautical contexts, such as letting out a rope or chain, waterproofing joints, or letting a ship fall off leeward.

Is it been paid or being paid?

“Been paid” is used when referring to a completed action.
For example, “The bill has been paid.”

“Being paid” refers to an action that is currently in progress.
For example, “The workers are being paid now.”

What is the past tense of pay a visit?

The past tense of “pay a visit” is “paid a visit.”
For example, “Yesterday, I paid a visit to my grandmother.”

Has been paid correct grammar?

Yes, “has been paid” is correct grammar. It indicates that a payment was made in the past and is relevant to the present.
For example, “The invoice has been paid.”

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