Finishing a research paper can feel like the final boss in a video game—after all the hard work, you’re almost at the finish line, but there’s one last challenge to tackle. The conclusion part of your research paper is as important as its introduction and practical part. It shouldn’t just simply summarize everything but leave a lasting impression that you’ve made an important contribution to the research field. There are a few things you should know to have that kind of power.

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Structuring a Research Paper Conclusion

A good research paper conclusion ties everything together and leaves a lasting impression on the reader. It’s your chance to highlight the significance of your findings. So, what should the conclusion of a research paper contain?

Start by briefly restating the main points of your research, ensuring you remind the reader of your key arguments. Then, discuss the broader implications of your findings and why they matter. Addressing any opposing viewpoints can strengthen your conclusion, showing you’ve considered multiple perspectives. Finally, suggest areas for future research or actions that could be taken based on your results. 

If your research is about the impact of social media on student productivity, you might conclude by summarizing the key findings, discussing their significance in the context of digital learning, addressing potential criticisms, and suggesting further studies on specific social media platforms. 

Types of Conclusions for Research Paper

The are various ways how you can end your paper. The type of conclusion you choose can make a big difference. The most common type is the summarizing conclusion. It’s like giving a quick recap of your main points, restating your research question, and reminding everyone why your findings matter. It’s straightforward and works well for most topics.

Then there’s the editorial conclusion, which is a bit more personal. Here, you can share your own thoughts and opinions based on your research, maybe even throw in some recommendations or a call to action. It’s perfect if your paper is pushing a particular viewpoint.

How To Write A Conclusion For A Research Paper

Lastly, the externalizing conclusion is all about thinking big. This type of conclusion suggests future research directions or talks about the bigger picture. It’s great for more theoretical or exploratory studies because it introduces new ideas that go beyond what you covered in your paper.

Each type of conclusion helps tie everything together and gives your readers something to think about, making your research feel complete and impactful.

Easy Guide on How to Write a Conclusion for a Research Paper

To create astrong conclusion for your research paper, start by restating your research topic to remind your readers what your paper is about.  If your paper is about the impact of social media on mental health, you might begin with, 

 “The influence of social media on mental health has been a growing concern.” 

Next, restate your thesis in a fresh way to reinforce your main argument. You could say, 

“Our findings highlight the significant correlation between excessive social media use and increased anxiety among teenagers.”

Then, summarize the main points of your research but don’t introduce new information. This could involve briefly mentioning your key findings, like 

“The study showed that frequent social media use leads to a higher risk of anxiety, especially among adolescents.” 

Connect these points to the bigger picture by discussing the significance of your findings. Explain why your research matters, such as 

“Understanding this link is crucial for developing effective mental health interventions for young people.”

Consider suggesting areas for future research to show that your work opens the door for further exploration. For instance, 

“Future studies could explore how different types of social media platforms impact mental health differently.” 

Finally, wrap up with a closing thought that leaves a lasting impression, like a call to action or a thought-provoking statement. You might end with, 

“Addressing the mental health effects of social media is vital for fostering healthier online environments for our youth.”

How to End a Research Paper: What to Avoid

Ending your research paper on the right note is important, so there are some pitfalls to avoid to make sure your conclusion is effective. 

  1. First, keep it short and sweet—your conclusion should be concise, typically no more than one or two paragraphs. 
  2. Avoid stating the obvious with phrases like “in conclusion” or “in summary,” as these can come off as redundant. Instead, let the context signal that you are wrapping up. 
  3. Refrain from introducing new information; this is the time to restate your main points and provide closure, not to bring up fresh ideas. 
  4. Make sure to briefly summarize your paper and discuss whether it answers your research questions, but don’t dive into details about your methodology or results—that belongs in the body of your paper.
  5. Be transparent about any limitations of your study. Mentioning issues like sample size or study duration can actually strengthen your paper by showing that you understand its scope.
  6. Don’t apologize for these limitations; instead, frame them as opportunities for future research. 
  7. Lastly, stay analytical rather than emotional in your conclusion, and avoid rambling. Your goal is to highlight the significance of your findings and suggest the broader implications, leaving your readers with a clear understanding of the importance of your research.
How To Write A Conclusion For A Research Paper

Examples of How to Conclude a Research Paper

To give you a proper research paper conclusion example, we decided to write a couple of pieces ourselves. So, before starting your work, you can check out the samples below and make sure you follow all of the guidelines.

Example 1: Conclusion for a Research Paper on Social Media and Mental Health

In conclusion, this study highlights the significant impact of social media usage on the mental health of adolescents. Our research shows a clear correlation between excessive social media use and increased levels of anxiety and depression among teenagers. By addressing these findings, we can better understand the potential risks associated with social media and develop strategies to mitigate its negative effects. Despite some limitations, such as the relatively small sample size, the results are consistent with existing literature and provide a foundation for future research. Further studies should explore the specific features of social media platforms that contribute most to mental health issues. Addressing these aspects is crucial for creating healthier online environments for young people. As we continue to navigate the digital age, it is imperative to consider the psychological well-being of the most vulnerable populations.

Example 2: Conclusion for a Research Paper on Renewable Energy Adoption

In conclusion, this research underscores the critical role of renewable energy adoption in mitigating climate change and promoting sustainable development. Our findings indicate that integrating renewable energy sources into the national grid can significantly reduce carbon emissions and dependency on fossil fuels. The study also identifies key barriers to renewable energy adoption, including high initial costs and regulatory challenges. While these obstacles are significant, they are not insurmountable. Policymakers must prioritize investments in renewable infrastructure and streamline regulations to accelerate the transition to a green economy. Future research should focus on innovative financing models and policy frameworks that can facilitate the wider adoption of renewable technologies. By addressing these issues, we can pave the way for a sustainable energy future that benefits both the environment and the economy. The urgency of combating climate change calls for immediate and sustained action, making renewable energy adoption not just a choice, but a necessity.


How do you write a conclusion for a research paper?

Writing a conclusion for a research paper is all about wrapping things up nicely. You want to restate the main points of your paper without just repeating yourself. Summarize the key findings, explain their significance, and maybe suggest areas for future research. Think of it as giving your reader a final, lasting impression of your work.

What is the most common way to conclude a research?

The most common way to conclude research is by summarizing the main findings and their implications. You’ll restate the purpose of the study, highlight the key results, and discuss their significance.

What is conclusion in research example?

A conclusion in research is the final section where you bring everything together. For example, if your research was on the effects of social media on student productivity, your conclusion might highlight how certain platforms impact study habits, suggest practical applications of your findings, and recommend areas for further investigation. You should leave the readers with a clear understanding of what you discovered and why it matters.

What are the three types of conclusion in research?

In research, conclusions can generally be categorized into three types: summative, which wraps up the key points and findings; evaluative, which assesses the significance and implications of the research; and suggestive, which offers recommendations or future research directions based on the study’s outcomes. Each type serves to clearly define your work’s contribution to the field and guide the reader on the next steps.

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