In a recent Education Week’s news piece titled “It’s Not Just About ChatGPT. Other AI Technologies Are Heading to Schools”, experts in education technology and artificial intelligence weigh in on the evolving role of AI in the classroom. With capabilities that include passing the bar exam, writing novels, and even coding, AI like ChatGPT has educators and technologists alike asking what’s next.

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The AI Evolution in Education: More than Just ChatGPT

Key takeaways:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies such as ChatGPT will empower students and teachers, enhancing personalized learning, and potentially automating routine tasks. This will allow for a more customized learning experience and ease the workload of educators.
  • As AI becomes more integrated into classrooms, there is an increased need for AI literacy. Understanding how AI works, its impact on society, and the potential biases inherent in its design will be essential skills for both students and teachers.
  • While AI holds immense potential, there is a risk that it could exacerbate existing inequalities within the education system. Ensuring that AI technologies are accessible to all students, regardless of their socio-economic status or background, is a pressing concern.

A question has been put forward of what new AI technologies could be on the horizon, how schools can keep up with rapidly evolving tech, and how to distinguish between genuine innovation and mere hype. Education Week reached out to four renowned experts in the fields of technology, education, and artificial intelligence for their views.

Empowerment through Technology

Michael Horn, co-founder of the Clayton Christensen Institute, believes the key theme of new technologies in education is empowerment. Artificial Intelligence tools like ChatGPT have already demonstrated the potential to assist students in content creation and personalized learning, while simultaneously automating tasks for teachers, thus freeing up their time for more vital educational tasks.

Horn envisions an AI-enabled classroom where students receive real-time feedback on their work, and teachers have the ability to quickly generate a range of exemplary responses to guide classroom discussions. The automation of such tasks allows teachers to focus more on fostering meaningful conversations and less on sourcing examples to illustrate concepts.

Waking Up to AI in the Classroom

According to Nancye Blair Black, the AI Exploration Project Lead for the International Society for Technology in Education, AI is already present in many K-12 classrooms, often unbeknownst to teachers. Popular educational tools like Khan Academy and iRead are powered by AI, and its application is becoming increasingly sophisticated.

AI also holds promise for making classroom instruction more accessible. For instance, AI-powered tools are already aiding visually impaired individuals and enabling educators to communicate more effectively with English learners. Furthermore, artificial intelligence technology is being explored to track student engagement, although Black cautions that educators should be wary of the hype surrounding new technology and stay focused on educational goals.

The Potential Pitfalls of AI in Education

Amber Oliver, Managing Director for the Robin Hood Learning + Technology Fund, and Peter Stone, a computer science professor at the University of Texas at Austin, both caution that, while AI holds great potential for education, it also comes with risks. One major concern is the potential for AI to exacerbate existing inequities in the education system. There’s a fear that access to AI-powered educational resources might be limited for marginalized students, just as computer science education is currently less available to students of color and those living in poverty. 

Another concern is the misconception that AI technology is perfectly objective. In reality, AI algorithms can contain inherent biases based on the data they are trained on and the design choices of their creators.

Stone also emphasized the importance of AI literacy, believing that students need to understand how AI works and how it affects society. As AI continues to evolve and influence all kinds of jobs, students need to be prepared to adapt, retrain, and learn how to learn in a rapidly changing workforce.


While the path of AI’s impact on education is still forming, it’s clear that it will bring both opportunities and challenges. As educators and researchers continue to grapple with these changes, the focus must remain on empowering next generation of students and teachers while ensuring equity in access and understanding.

AI Face-off: Comparing Different Technologies for Classroom Integration

As the future of education becomes increasingly intertwined with artificial intelligence, let’s take a moment to compare some of the most promising AI technologies poised for classroom integration. Each of these tools offers unique benefits, but their effectiveness ultimately depends on the specific needs and goals of each educational setting.

AI TechnologyFunctionBenefits for Education
ChatGPTAI-powered writing coachProvides instant, personalized feedback on student’s written work
Brainly & SymbMathAI-assisted problem-solvingGives students step-by-step guidance in mathematical calculations
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS)Adapts to the learning pace and style of each studentOffers a highly personalized learning experience
Automated grading systems (Gradescope)Provides faster and more consistent evaluations of student assignmentsFrees up teachers’ time by automating the grading process
Natural Language Processing Tools (NLP – Duolingo)Facilitates language learning by offering real-time correctionsOffers real-time corrections and adaptive exercises based on individual proficiency levels

While it’s essential to recognize that not every technology will be a perfect fit for every classroom, the potential of these AI tools in reshaping education is undeniably exciting. The key lies in educators’ discernment in choosing the right tool for their specific objectives and in ensuring that technology serves as an aid to learning, rather than becoming the goal itself.

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