☝️ TLDR: One Day a Boy Slept for Eleven Days Straight!
Today we are talking about the world record for longest sleep. Is it actually possible to sleep eleven days straight? Let’s find out!
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In 1964, a Kentucky teenager named Randy Gardner set a record for the longest time someone has slept—an unbelievable 11 days straight! Randy didn’t just roll out of bed; he’d been awake for nearly as long before finally dozing off. Randy’s marathon sleep followed his quest to stay up for 264 hours, during which he and his friends set up experiments to test how lack of sleep affected him. After this, his body was ready for a major rest, and he finally slept for 264 hours straight.

While most of us might not even make it past a full day without serious drowsiness, Randy’s record speaks to how sleep is one of the most powerful forces in our lives. Sleep keeps us refreshed and ready for the day, and it’s also when the body performs some of its best “housekeeping” work. The brain cleans up waste, memories get stored, and even muscle repair kicks in.

And while 11 days of sleep might sound appealing on some tough mornings, it’s essential to remember that our bodies actually like a routine. The National Sleep Foundation suggests sticking to a regular schedule to feel your best each day, as irregular sleep patterns can have more of an impact than you might think. So while Randy’s story is a unique glimpse into just how far our need for sleep can stretch, most of us are better off getting a consistent seven to nine hours a night!
🎈Fun Fact: Animals Are Far Superior in the Matter of Sleep!
Also, some animals are true sleep champions! For example, brown bats can sleep up to 20 hours a day, while giraffes only need around 30 minutes of shut-eye in 24 hours. And humans? We spend roughly a third of our lives asleep—so all those zzz’s really add up! This rest period is when our bodies repair, our minds organize memories, and creativity is said to flourish.
Species | Average Sleep Duration per Day |
Brown Bat | 20 hours |
Human | 7-9 hours |
Giraffe | 30 minutes |
Domestic Cat | 12-16 hours |

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