Chinese proverbs, often referred to as “yànyǔ,” are like pearls of wisdom that have stood the test of time. In this article, we will delve into the rich tapestry of Chinese proverbs, exploring their significance, origins, and the timeless wisdom they offer. From matters of love and family to lessons in wisdom and learning, these proverbs offer valuable insights that resonate with people around the world.

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Chinese Proverbs About Love

“Love is Blind” – 爱屋及乌 (ài wū jí wū)

One of the most famous Chinese sayings about love, this proverb suggests that love sees beyond appearances. Similar to the English saying “love is blind,” it emphasizes the idea that when you love someone, you accept them with all their virtues and faults.

“Love Won’t Let Go of Hand” – 爱不释手 (àibùshìshǒu)

This saying beautifully captures the essence of affection. It signifies being fond of someone to the point of being locked in love, emphasizing the idea that true love holds on tightly.

“In the Eyes of a Lover, Xi Shi Appears” – 情人眼里出西施 (qíngrén yǎn lǐ chū xīshī)

This proverb references Xi Shi, an ancient Chinese beauty, to convey the idea that love makes everything appear beautiful. In English, it translates to “love is blind” or “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.”

“Having Love, Drinking Water Will Fill You Up” – 有情饮水饱,无情食饭饥 (yǒuqíng yǐnshuǐ bǎo, wúqíng shí fàn jī)

This Chinese saying about love emphasizes the power of love. It suggests that when you’re in love, even water can satisfy you, while without love, even food won’t make you feel full. Love, it implies, is the ultimate sustenance for the soul.

“People in Love Will Get Married” – 有情人终成眷属 (yǒuqíng rén zhōng chéng juànshǔ)

This proverb reassures us that love will always find a way. It conveys the idea that two people deeply in love will eventually become a family.

Chinese Proverbs About Wisdom

“A Smile Is the Best Remedy” – 笑一笑,十年少 (xiào yīxiào, shí niánshào)

This proverb highlights the power of a smile. It suggests that a smile can make you look ten years younger and is the best form of makeup. It reminds us of the positive impact of a cheerful disposition.

“Practice Makes Perfect” – 熟能生巧 (shú néng shēngqiǎo)

This well-known saying emphasizes the importance of practice in mastering a skill. Just like the English saying, it reminds us that repeated practice leads to perfection.

“Teaching Is the Best Gift” – 授人以鱼不如授人以渔 (shòu rén yǐ yú bù rú shòu rén yǐ yú)

This ancient Chinese proverb highlights the value of education and knowledge sharing. It suggests that it is better to teach someone how to fish (i.e., acquire a skill) than to simply provide them with a fish (i.e., a temporary solution).

“Learn from Your Mistakes” – 吃一堑,长一智 (chī yī qiàn, zhǎng yī zhì)

This proverb encourages us to view mistakes as opportunities for growth. It suggests that by learning from our mistakes, we become wiser and better prepared for the future.

“Water Flows In to Flow Out” – 水满则溢 (shuǐ mǎn zé yì)

This saying underscores the cyclical nature of life. It implies that when things reach their peak, they will eventually reverse. In other words, every high has its low.

Chinese Proverbs About Family

“If the Family Lives in Harmony, All Affairs Will Prosper” – 家和万事兴 (jiā hé wànshì xīnɡ)

This proverb highlights the importance of family unity. It suggests that when a family lives in harmony, all aspects of life will thrive. Family bonds are seen as the foundation of success.

“When Children Go Far, Mothers Worry” – 儿行千里母担忧 (ér xíng qiānlǐ mǔ dānyōu)

This saying reflects the universal concern of parents for their children’s well-being. It implies that no matter how far children venture, their mothers will always worry about them.

“Every Family Has Its Own Issues” – 家家有本难念的经 (jiā jiā yǒu běn nán niàn de jīnɡ)

Similar to the English saying “everyone has a skeleton in their closet,” this proverb reminds us that every family faces its unique challenges and difficulties.

“Family’s Shames Can’t Be Taken Outside” – 家丑不可外扬 (jiāchǒu bùkě wàiyáng)

This saying emphasizes the importance of keeping family matters private. It advises against revealing family problems or embarrassments to the outside world.

“Fallen Leaves Return to Their Roots” – 落叶归根 (luòyèguīgēn)

This poetic proverb suggests that no matter where life takes us, our hearts will always yearn for our homeland and family. It embodies the sentiment that there’s no place like home.

Chinese Proverbs About Learning

“Everything Starts Hard” – 万事起头难 (wànshì qǐtóu nán)

This proverb acknowledges that beginnings are often the most challenging part of any endeavor. It encourages persistence and determination in the face of initial difficulties.

“The Plan of the Day Should Be Done in the Morning” – 一日之计在于晨 (yī rì zhī jì zàiyú chén)

Similar to the English saying “the early bird gets the worm,” this proverb stresses the importance of planning and starting tasks early in the day for better productivity.

“Teachers Open the Doors, but You Enter by Yourself” – 师父领进门,修行在个人 (shīfu lǐng jìnmén, xiūxíng zài gèrén)

This saying underscores the role of teachers in providing guidance, but it ultimately places the responsibility for learning on the individual. It encourages self-motivation and initiative.


Chinese proverbs are a testament to the enduring wisdom of Chinese culture. These sayings, infused with insights about love, wisdom, family, and learning, continue to inspire and guide people worldwide. Whether you’re seeking to navigate the complexities of relationships, gain knowledge, or find solace in times of difficulty, there’s a Chinese proverb that offers timeless guidance for every aspect of life. Embracing these pearls of wisdom can enrich our understanding of the world and help us lead more fulfilling lives.


How can I understand Chinese proverbs better?

To understand Chinese proverbs better, it’s essential to explore their cultural and historical context. Reading books or articles that explain the meanings behind these proverbs can be helpful. Additionally, engaging with native speakers and seeking real-life examples of how these sayings are used can deepen your understanding.

Are Chinese proverbs still relevant today?

Yes, Chinese proverbs remain relevant today. While they originate from ancient times, their wisdom transcends generations. Many proverbs offer timeless insights into human nature, relationships, and life’s challenges. Incorporating them into modern contexts can provide valuable guidance and perspectives.

How can I incorporate Chinese proverbs into my daily life?

You can incorporate Chinese proverbs into your daily life by first learning and understanding their meanings. Then, try to apply relevant proverbs to various situations, whether it’s in conversations, writing, or decision-making. Reflect on how these sayings can offer wisdom and guidance in your daily experiences to make them more meaningful.

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