College and university lives can sometimes take dark turns. A candid story by Daniel Roberts, a 20-year-old student will be about trying to find motivation and strength to get better at studies. He confessed that he had not been consistent with his studies. Laziness was not the only thing that broke his stamina. His life was overburdened with self-doubt, addiction, and academic cheating. Result – poor college performance. Daniel went online to find support and advice from fellow students. 

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Battling Cheating and Laziness – How to Get Back on Study Track

Key Takeaways:

  • Hire a tutor for essential guidance, academic accountability, and assistance with complex topics.
  • Practice time management by scheduling study sessions before assignment deadlines to enhance work quality.
  • Use a temporary academic leave for personal healing, stress management, and revision of missed material.
  • Build job-related skills alongside degree pursuit to boost employability and acquire practical skill set.

Tip #1: Seek Professional Assistance

To improve your understanding of course material, consider hiring a tutor for your classes. A tutor can help break down complex topics, assist with difficult assignments, and provide individualized study strategies. Just as a personal trainer helps you navigate your fitness goals, a tutor offers guidance and accountability in your academic journey. If hiring a private tutor is outside your budget, consider utilizing university resources. Many institutions offer peer tutors or other cost-effective academic support services. These resources can provide valuable assistance and promote a culture of independent learning.

Tip #2: Adopt Effective Time Management Strategies

Time management is crucial to academic success. One effective strategy is to schedule tutoring sessions or study periods a few days or a week ahead of each assignment’s due date. This encourages you to begin working on assignments well ahead of time, providing ample opportunity to seek clarity on challenging concepts during tutoring sessions or from professors during office hours. This proactive approach not only reduces last-minute stress but can also significantly improve the quality of your work.

Tip #3: Shift Your Perspective on Challenging Subjects

If you’re finding a subject particularly challenging, attempt to change your perspective on it. Consider programming, for instance, not as a mere technical skill but as an act of creative expression. It’s a way to structure ideas, convey meaning, and solve problems. Viewing programming in this light can instill a sense of enjoyment in the coursework, which can enhance your understanding and improve your academic performance.

Tip #4: Consider a Temporary Leave

Balancing academic pressures with personal life can sometimes be overwhelming. If you find yourself struggling, consider taking a temporary leave of absence, provided your university allows it.

Battling Cheating and Laziness – How to Get Back on Study Track

 A break from academics provides an opportunity to focus on personal healing, managing stress, and catching up on missed material. Use this period to redo assignments honestly and thoroughly, working from the ground up to rebuild a solid academic foundation.

Tip #5: Retake Misunderstood Courses

Consider retaking courses where you’ve struggled or engaged in academic misconduct. This approach allows you to revisit complex topics and reinforce your understanding. While retaking courses can extend your academic journey and possibly add financial strain, the knowledge gained can boost student satisfaction and confidence.

Tip #6: Apply for Scholarships

If the prospect of additional expenses, such as hiring a tutor or retaking courses, is daunting, consider applying for scholarships. Scholarships can provide significant financial support. When applying, share your personal journey, your commitment to academic honesty, and your dedication to self-improvement. A compelling narrative could be key to securing the scholarship you need.

Tip #7: Focus on Job-Related Skills

Alongside pursuing your degree, focus on developing practical, job-related skills. Employers often value skills that are applicable in the professional world, many of which can be learned independently. Investigate the qualifications required for your dream job and use online resources, such as YouTube, online courses, and forums, to learn and improve these skills. By doing this, you’ll be enhancing your employability while also gaining a broader and more practical skill set.

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