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Quick overview
ThesisHelpers is a service dedicated to providing students with assistance in thesis writing, offering custom dissertation help for those who need it. The experts on the platform specialize in handling all kinds of academic papers, including the most challenging ones. This service seems a perfect match for those who feel baffled by their research proposals, dissertations, and other complicated writings.
⭐ Research Proposal “The impact of social media presence for companies”
🎓 Academic level
✅ Paper format
⏰ Deadline
10 days
👉 Paper instructions
Discuss and evaluate how the social media altered and influenced the traditional way of conducting business in the last 10-15 years. 1. What’s the origin of the issue, its background? 2. What are the purpose and objectives of the research? 3. What type of evaluation methodology and the objectives or outcomes to be evaluated? 4. What’s the source of data and evidence used.
ThesisHelpers Paper Quality — TBD/50
⭐ Parameter
✅ Research proposal (5 pages)
Paper score
Paper price
Completion time
ThesisHelpers Value for Money — 18/25 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ordering & Price
Free services
Paid services
Paper price
ThesisHelpers Overall Experience — 15/25 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Dissertation Process
Payment methods
Contact with writers
ThesisHelpers reviews
We do our best to present you with a full report on a particular service. So we go on websites like Reddit, Ditejabber, Reviews.io, and Trustpilot looking for feedback from previous users. We closely analyze it and present you with the findings in our Negativity Rank section.
Is ThesisHelpers a Scam?
We registered on ThesisHelpers, talked with support, and placed an order for a research proposal. Based on our experience, this platform is not a scam and is set to provide the service it offers.
Is ThesisHelpers Legit?
ThesisHelper has been in the market for quite some time. It also has a track record of satisfied customers. These facts support the statement that it is a legitimate platform with experience in dissertation writing.
Is ThesisHelpers Safe?
We created an account of our own on the platform and, despite having to provide both the phone number and email, the service didn’t ask for any other personal details. We also didn’t notice any problems with our data when working on the website. As such, ThesisHelper is safe to use.
Is ThesisHelpers Trustworthy?
Considering the positive feedback from previous customers and the legitimacy of the website, we would say that ThesisHelpers seems like a service worth your trust
Is ThesisHelpers a Good Service?
Many previous clients vouched to receive great assistance from the platform’s writers which leads us to assume that Thesis Helper is a good service. Our A*Help team will keep an eye on this one and compile a review of our own in the future.
Main Specs
> Order details, pricing
Min price per page
Standard Page
300 words
Writer categories
Academic Levels
High School College Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior Master’s PhD Business (standard+premium)
Paper price (based on our mystery shopping)
> Free services
10 days revision period 2 plagiarism checks Formatting Review by a vetted editor Title page Abstract
> Paid services
Best Expert in My Field Add a Recap (1-page summary) Sources 30-Day Grace Period (review period) Best Expert in My Field Add a Recap (1-page summary)
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Stay curious with us. Academichelp.net has been a reliable educational resource since 2011, providing students with the latest news, assignment samples, and other valuable materials. Even with the extensive information we process, our quality remains consistent. Each team member has experience in education, allowing us to evaluate new sector offerings critically. Our reviews are up-to-date and relevant, with impartiality ensured by the A*Help score methodology from mystery shopping. We aren’t affiliated with any listed service providers. Our focus remains on providing our audience with reliable and unbiased data.
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We value the diverse opinions of users, so you may find points of view that you don’t agree with. And that’s cool. However, there are certain things we’re not OK with: attempts to manipulate our data in any way, for example, or the posting of discriminative, offensive, hateful, or disparaging material.