Newspaper articles offer valuable perspectives on various topics, making them dominant resources for researchers, students, and other professionals. Given their importance, it’s essential to know how to cite them accurately in academic writing. The three most common citation styles, APA, MLA, and Chicago, share some article’s elements, such as the title, the publication date, and the author. However, there are also differences. Keep reading to understand the nuances of newspaper citation.
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How to Cite a Newspaper Article in MLA
In the Modern Language Association (MLA) format, citing a newspaper article involves including the author’s name, the title of the article (in quotation marks), the newspaper’s name (italicized), the publication date, and a URL if accessed online.
MLA Works Cited Entry format and example

MLA In-Text citation example
In MLA format, in-text citations require the author’s last name and the page number without any comma separating them. If the source does not have page numbers, you only include the author’s last name. For online articles where page numbers are not applicable, the author’s name alone suffices.
(Hernandez A4) |
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How to Cite a Newspaper Article in APA
The American Psychological Association (APA) style requires the author’s surname and initials, the publication year, the article title (in plain text with sentence capitalization), the newspaper’s name (italicized), and a URL for online sources.
APA Reference Entry format and example

In-Text Citation Example
APA style requires the author’s last name and the year of publication for in-text citations. If you’re directly quoting or referring to a specific part of the text, you should also include the page number or paragraph number for non-paginated content.
(Hernandez, 2024, p. A4) |
How to Cite a Newspaper Article in Chicago
Chicago style typically uses footnotes for citation and does not always include newspaper articles in the bibliography. However, if you need to create a bibliography entry, it should list the author’s name, the article title (in quotation marks), the newspaper’s name (italicized), the publication date, and a URL for online sources.
Chicago Bibliography Entry format and example

Chicago Footnote example
In Chicago style, footnotes are used for citation within the text. When you cite a source for the first time, you include a full citation in the footnote. Subsequent citations of the same source can be shortened.
^1 Javier Hernandez, “At the Met Opera, the Show Goes On After a Technical Mishap.” The New York Times, March 20, 2024, problem.html |
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