The rise of digital media has introduced new formats like podcasts that require proper citation. “How to Cite a Podcast” is not just a question of academic integrity but also a respectful acknowledgment of the creators’ work. As podcasts become increasingly popular for their rich content, understanding how to reference them in your work is important, just like creating an in text citation for a song. In this piece we will dig into the tricks of citing a podcast correctly, making that readers and listeners can trace your sources accurately.

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When Do You Need to Cite a Podcast/Podcast Episode?

Modern podcasts, both audial and visual, can become a source of valuable information for your research work, essay, or practically any type of writing. You can cite them as a source for found facts or to show predominant people’s opinions on the matter.

Citing a podcast or a podcast episode is needed when you use any of its content – be it a quote, an idea, or a piece of information. Whether you’re referencing a whole podcast series or a specific episode title, the citation must be accurate. This not only improves the credibility of your work but also helps in avoiding plagiarism.

How to Cite a Podcast in Your Work – General Rules

In all citation styles, certain elements are needed: the podcast name, host’s name, episode title, series information, and URL. These details help guide your reader to the original source. You can put them into a cite generator to make things more swift. Be mindful of nuances like italicization, punctuation, and format specific to each citation style.

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Citing a Podcast in APA

To cite a certain podcast in APA the main information you would need includes the host’s name and their (role) in parentheses, the date when the podcast was first aired, the title of the episode, and (ep. number) in parentheses (not in italics), [the type of podcast episode (audio/video)], the title of the podcast’s series in italics, and finally the URL (link to the podcast).

So, in general, the entry looks like this: Host last name, Initials. (Host). (Year, Month Day). Episode title (No. Episode number) [Audio podcast episode]. In Podcast name. Production Company. URL

Below we will include examples of how both in-text and reference citations would look in APA.

In-text citation: (Doe, 2023, 5:45).
Note: Include a timestamp for specific quotes (e.g., Doe, 2023, 12:34).

An image that explains how to cite a podcast

How Do You Cite a Podcast in MLA 8

For MLA 8, in-text citations require the episode title in quotation marks. In the Works Cited list, format the citation as: Last Name, First Name, Role. “Episode Title.” Podcast Name, season number, episode number, Publisher/where you listened to the episode, Day Month Year (of publication), URL. 

In-text citation: (Jane Doe, 2023, 13:54).

A picture, depicting how to cite a podcast in MLA

How to Cite a Podcast in Harvard Style

In Harvard style, the in-text citation should include the host’s surname and the year of publication. The reference list entry should look like this: Host’s Surname, Initial(s). (Year of publication) ‘Episode title’, Podcast name, Host Site/Organization/Publisher. Month day of the post. Available at URL [Accessed: Date].

In-text citation: (Doe, 2023)

A picture that shows the process of citing a podcast

How to Cite a Podcast in Chicago Style

Chicago style citations can be either in notes and bibliography format or author-date. For the author-date style, use the host’s last name and year in the text and a reference list entry similar to the APA style. For notes and bibliography, use a footnote like:

  • Footnote: 1. Host’s First and Last Names, “Episode Title,” Year, in Podcast name, published/written/directed by, podcast, audio format, Duration, URL.
  • In the bibliography: Last Name, First Name. “Episode Name.” Produced/written/direct by name. Podcast name. Publication Month Day, Year. Podcast, Audio Format. Running Time. URL [Accessed Month Day, Year].

Footnote example: 1. Jane Doe, “Fashion Icons,” 2023, in The Fashion Podcast, Directed by Oliver Meg, MP3 audio, 55:30,

Bibliography example: Doe, Jane. “Fashion Icons.” Directed by Oliver Meg. The Fashion Podcast. January 15, 2023. Podcast, MP3 audio. 55:30. [Accessed January 29, 2023].

Citing a Video Podcast – How to Do That in Different Styles

Citing a video podcast follows similar rules but includes the format type. For example, in APA: Host last name, Initials. (Host). or Producer’s last name, Initials. (Producer). (Year range). Podcast name [Video podcast]. Production Company. URL

In-text citation: (Reagan, 2010–present)

Reference: Reagan, F. (Host). (2010–present). The Experiment [Video podcast]. YouTube.


Understanding how to cite a podcast in various styles is invaluable in the age of digital content. Whether you’re citing a podcast episode, series, or video podcast, it’s vital to follow the specific citation guidelines, and podcast citation formats, and reference a podcast accurately to maintain the integrity of your work. Accurate referencing, from the episode title to the URL, allows your audience to locate and verify your sources, enriching the research and learning experience.


Is it Necessary to Include Episode Numbers When Citing a Podcast?

When citing a podcast episode, including the episode number is often helpful but not always mandatory. The necessity depends on the citation style you are using. For example, in MLA 8 style, if the podcast clearly numbers its episodes as part of a series, it’s advisable to include the season number and episode number in your citation. However, if the podcast does not use a clear numbering system, or if you’re citing the podcast series as a whole rather than a specific episode, then including episode numbers is not necessary. Always ensure that your citation provides enough information to help the reader easily locate the specific podcast episode.

Where Can I Find the Publication Date for a Podcast?

The publication date of a podcast episode can typically be found on the platform where the podcast is hosted or distributed. Common platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or the podcast’s official website often display the release date of each episode. If you’re accessing the podcast through a third-party service or app, the publication date is usually listed under the episode’s title or in the episode’s description. If the publication date is not explicitly stated, you may use the date when you accessed the podcast as a reference point in your citation.

Do I Need to Italicize Podcast Titles in My Citations?

Yes, in most citation styles, the title of the podcast series should be italicized. This is to differentiate the title of the series from individual episode titles and other elements in your citation. For instance, in APA and Chicago styles, the podcast series title is italicized, but the episode titles are not. In MLA style, the podcast series title is also italicized, while the episode titles are placed within quotation marks. Remember, italicization helps in clearly identifying the source and ensuring that the citation is easily understandable.

Should I Include the URL When Citing a Podcast?

Including the URL in a podcast citation is important, especially when citing a podcast accessed online. The URL directs the reader to the exact source of the podcast episode, making it easier to locate and verify the information used. In digital documents, these URLs can also be hyperlinked for quick access. However, if you access the podcast through a streaming app where URLs are not available, you can mention the name of the app instead. In styles like APA, MLA, and Harvard, including the URL or access point is a standard part of the citation format.

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