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What is a Misspelling?

Mistakes are a regular part of academic writing. In its turn, one of the most common mistakes is misspelling. Simply put, misspelling something is writing a word down incorrectly. Misspelling can happen due to different reasons, starting from illiteracy and up to laziness. Anyways, to be on the safe side, keep the following points in mind to minimize misspelling in your writing.

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How to Avoid Misspelling?

1. Watch out for words that sound alike (homophones). The English language has a lot of homophones, so there is always a chance you will confuse one word for another. Anyways, here is a list of the most common homophones:

there — their — they’re
weak — week
aloud — allowed
knew — new
past — passed
site — sight
peace — piece
right — write
its — it’s (usually it’s the hardest one).

Also, be careful with verbs that sound like nouns. Such words as advice — advise, or affect — effect, can be tricky.

2. Read a lot of books. Although this advice may seem vague, in fact it is one of the most effective ones. When you read, your brain subconsciously remembers the spelling of words; after you read a certain word several times in a text, you will most likely memorize its spelling.

3. Always proofread what you have written. If you have any doubts about word usage, use a dictionary to double-check your confusion.

4. Do not rely on the “autocorrect” function in your word processor. It is always better to check everything on your own. This does not mean, however, that this function is useless. In addition, try using online spell checkers. Some of them are even able to determine whether a word was used appropriately or not.

5. And finally, remember: practice makes perfect!

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