Immersing oneself in the richness of Italian culture and language necessitates familiarity with the Italian names of months, or i mesi.

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An Introduction to Italian Months

Let’s take a look at how to say months in Italian and how to use these words in real speech:

  1. Gennaio (January)
  2. Febbraio (February)
  3. Marzo (March)
  4. Aprile (April)
  5. Maggio (May)
  6. Giugno (June)
  7. Luglio (July)
  8. Agosto (August)
  9. Settembre (September)
  10. Ottobre (October)
  11. Novembre (November)
  12. Dicembre (December)

For example, the Italian word for January, Gennaio, pronounced as [jen-‘na-yo], can be used in a sentence like “Il mio compleanno è a Gennaio” (My birthday is in January). Or, for December, or Dicembre (pronounced [di-‘chem-bre]), you could say “Natale cade a Dicembre” (Christmas falls in December).


Gennaio: “Il mio compleanno è in Gennaio.” (My birthday is in January.)

Febbraio: “San Valentino cade a Febbraio.” (Valentine’s Day falls in February.)

Marzo: “In Marzo inizia la primavera.” (Spring begins in March.)

Aprile: “Ad Aprile le giornate si allungano.” (In April, the days get longer.)

Maggio: “A Maggio ci sono molte fioriture.” (In May, there are many flowers blooming.)

Giugno: “Giugno è il primo mese dell’estate.” (June is the first month of summer.)

Luglio: “Vado in vacanza a Luglio.” (I go on holiday in July.)

Agosto: “Agosto è il mese più caldo dell’anno.” (August is the hottest month of the year.)

Settembre: “I bambini tornano a scuola a Settembre.” (Children go back to school in September.)

Ottobre: “Ottobre è il mese delle foglie cadute.” (October is the month of fallen leaves.)

Novembre: “A Novembre celebriamo il giorno dei morti.” (In November, we celebrate All Souls’ Day.)

Dicembre: “Dicembre è il mese del Natale.” (December is the month of Christmas.)

Seasons in Italian: Le Stagioni

The four seasons in Italian, or le stagioni, are:

  1. Primavera (Spring)
  2. Estate (Summer)
  3. Autunno (Fall/Autumn)
  4. Inverno (Winter)

To perfect the pronunciation and usage of these terms, practice them in sentences. For example, Primavera (Spring), pronounced as [pri-ma-‘ve-ra], can be used in a sentence like “La Primavera è la mia stagione preferita, perché tutto fiorisce” (Spring is my favorite season, because everything blooms). Similarly, Inverno (Winter), pronounced as [in-‘ver-no], can be used as “L’Inverno in Italia può essere molto freddo, soprattutto nelle regioni settentrionali” (Winter in Italy can be very cold, especially in the northern regions).


Primavera: “Amo i colori della Primavera.” (I love the colors of Spring.)

Estate: “Preferisco la spiaggia durante l’Estate.” (I prefer the beach during the Summer.)

Autunno: “Le foglie cambiano colore in Autunno.” (Leaves change color in Autumn.)

Inverno: “In Inverno fa freddo.” (It’s cold in Winter.)

The Italian Weekdays

Mastering the Italian weekdays, or i giorni della settimana, can greatly help in your daily communication:

  1. Lunedì (Monday)
  2. Martedì (Tuesday)
  3. Mercoledì (Wednesday)
  4. Giovedì (Thursday)
  5. Venerdì (Friday)
  6. Sabato (Saturday)
  7. Domenica (Sunday)

For instance, Lunedì, pronounced as [lu-‘ne-di], stands for Monday. You can use it in a sentence such as “Ogni Lunedì vado in palestra” (Every Monday, I go to the gym). Likewise, Domenica ([do-‘me-ni-ca]), which means Sunday, can be used like, “La Domenica mi piace rilassarmi a casa” (On Sunday, I like to relax at home).


Lunedì: “Il Lunedì è il primo giorno della settimana lavorativa.” (Monday is the first day of the working week.)

Martedì: “Vado a nuoto ogni Martedì.” (I go swimming every Tuesday.)

Mercoledì: “Mercoledì sera vado al corso di italiano.” (On Wednesday evening, I go to the Italian course.)

Giovedì: “Il Giovedì sera mi piace guardare un film.” (I like to watch a movie on Thursday evening.)

Venerdì: “Venerdì è il mio giorno preferito della settimana.” (Friday is my favorite day of the week.)

Sabato: “Sabato mattina mi piace dormire fino a tardi.” (I like to sleep late on Saturday morning.)

Domenica: “La Domenica vado a trovare i miei nonni.” (On Sunday, I visit my grandparents.)

Immerse yourself in the rhythm of the Italian language by learning these terms, and soon enough, you’ll find yourself navigating the Italian calendar with ease and confidence. Buona fortuna (good luck)!

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Are the Names of the Months Capitalized in Italian?

No, the names of the months are not capitalized in Italian. Unlike English, where the first letter of a month is always capitalized, in Italian they are written in lowercase. For example, you would write “gennaio” instead of “Gennaio” for January.

Are the Months in Italian Masculine or Feminine?

All months in Italian are masculine. Even though some of them might end with ‘e’, such as “Settembre” (September), they are still considered masculine. This is evident when using articles, as you would say “il Marzo” (the March), not “la Marzo”.

How Do You Abbreviate the Months in Italian?

Generally, months in Italian aren’t abbreviated due to their shortness. Unlike English, where you might write “Jan” for January, in Italian you would always write the full month name like “gennaio”. Using abbreviations for months in Italian could lead to confusion.

How to Learn Italian Fast?

The fastest way to learn Italian involves immersing yourself in the language. This could include taking Italian courses, speaking with native Italian speakers, and practicing every day. You can also use language learning apps and books. In addition, listen to Italian music and podcasts to get a feel for the rhythm and intonation of the language.

Can I Learn Italian by Watching Movies or Youtube?

Yes, you can learn Italian by watching movies or Youtube. This method helps to improve your listening skills and understanding of Italian culture. Be sure to choose movies or videos with subtitles in Italian or English depending on your level of proficiency. This can help you to understand the context better and learn new vocabulary. It’s a fun and interactive way to learn and improve your Italian language skills.


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