Learning Japanese numbers from 1 to 100 is a fundamental skill for anyone looking to explore the rich culture and language of Japan. In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the basics of how to read, write, and pronounce numbers 1-100 in Japanese. By the end of this article, you’ll have a solid foundation in Japanese numerals, and you’ll be well on your way to mastering this essential aspect of the language.

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Before we dive into the numbers themselves, let’s understand the basics of counting in Japanese. Japanese numbers are fairly straightforward once you grasp the initial concepts.

The First Ten: Numbers 1 to 10

We’ll begin with the numbers from 1 to 10, which are essential for building a strong foundation.

いち (ichi)one
に (ni)two
さん (san)three
し / よん (shi / yon)four
ご (go)five
ろく (roku)six
しち / なな (shichi / nana)seven
はち (hachi)eight
きゅう / く (kyu / ku)nine
じゅう (juu)ten

These numbers are crucial as they form the basis for counting in Japanese. Practice their pronunciation to ensure accuracy.

Beyond Ten: Numbers 11 to 19

Now, let’s explore numbers 11 to 19. These numbers follow a simple pattern:

  • First, you say the number 10.
  • Then, you add the number that’s missing to reach your desired number.

For example, 11 in Japanese is “10-1” or “juu-ichi.”

じゅういち (juu-ichi)eleven
じゅうに (juu-ni)twelve
じゅうさん (juu-san)thirteen
じゅうよん (juu-yon)fourteen
じゅうご (juu-go)fifteen
じゅうろく (juu-roku)sixteen
じゅうなな (juu-nana)seventeen
じゅうはち (juu-hachi)eighteen
じゅうきゅう (juu-kyu)nineteen

Remember, mastering these numbers is essential for counting in Japanese accurately.

Multiples of Ten: 20, 30, 40, …

The next set of numbers to explore are the multiples of ten, such as 20, 30, 40, and so on. Forming these numbers is straightforward. You simply say the first number followed by “juu,” which means ten.

にじゅう (ni-juu)twenty
さんじゅう (san-juu)thirty
よんじゅう (yon-juu)forty
ごじゅう (go-juu)fifty
ろくじゅう (roku-juu)sixty
ななじゅう (nana-juu)seventy
はちじゅう (hachi-juu)eighty
きゅうじゅう (kyu-juu)ninety
ひゃく (hyaku)one hundred

These numbers are essential when expressing larger quantities in Japanese.


In summary, learning Japanese numbers from 1 to 100 is a vital step in mastering the language. Start with the foundational numbers from 1 to 10 and then progress to numbers 11 to 19. Familiarize yourself with multiples of ten to express larger quantities accurately.

Remember, practicing the pronunciation of these numbers is crucial for becoming proficient in Japanese counting. With dedication and practice, you’ll find that Japanese numbers are logical and easy to learn.

So, whether you’re planning a trip to Japan or delving into the world of Japanese culture and language, mastering numbers 1-100 is a significant milestone on your journey. Happy counting!


How do I count from 1 to 10 in Japanese?

To count from 1 to 10 in Japanese, you can start with “ichi” for one, “ni” for two, “san” for three, “shi” or “yon” for four, “go” for five, “roku” for six, “shichi” or “nana” for seven, “hachi” for eight, “kyu” or “ku” for nine, and “juu” for ten.

What is the significance of Japanese numbers 4, 7, and 9?

The significance of Japanese numbers 4, 7, and 9 lies in their alternate pronunciations. These numbers can be pronounced as “shi,” “shichi,” and “kyu,” which sound similar to words associated with bad luck or death in Japanese culture. To avoid superstitions, alternatives like “yon,” “nana,” and “ku” are often used.

How do I say numbers 11 to 19 in Japanese?

Numbers 11 to 19 in Japanese follow a pattern. You say the number 10 (“juu”) and then add the missing number. For example, 11 is “juu-ichi,” 12 is “juu-ni,” and so on.

What are the double-digit numbers in Japanese?

Double-digit numbers in Japanese include multiples of ten, such as 20 (“ni-juu”), 30 (“san-juu”), and so forth, up to 90 (“kyu-juu”). Additionally, numbers ending in 0, like 100 (“hyaku”), also fall into this category.

How can I form complex double-digit numbers in Japanese?

To form complex double-digit numbers in Japanese, use the structure of “First number + じゅう (juu) + Second number.” For example, 23 is “ni-juu-san,” 49 is “yon-juu-kyu,” and 97 is “kyu-juu-nana.” This pattern is applied to create various numbers between 21 and 99.

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