Portuguese numbers are an essential part of learning the Portuguese language. Having a complete understanding of how to count and use numbers is crucial for daily tasks like shopping, telling the time, or giving your phone number. This comprehensive guide will equip you with everything you need to learn Portuguese numbers and counting in Portuguese.

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Introduction to Portuguese Numbers

Portuguese is a Romance language, originating from Latin, and is spoken by over 230 million people worldwide and is quite popular on top tutoring websites. Portuguese numerals play a fundamental role in the language, and they are used in a variety of contexts.

Portuguese numbers are quite similar to those in other Romance languages. There are cardinal numbers, which represent quantity (one, two, three, etc.), and ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc.). In this guide, we will focus on cardinal numbers and how they are used in Portuguese counting.

Learning Cardinal Numbers in Portuguese

Cardinal numbers are the most commonly used numbers in any language. They indicate quantity and are used for counting. Below we will discuss how do you say these numbers correctly.

Basic Portuguese Numbers

Learning basic Portuguese numbers is the first step in mastering counting in Portuguese. Numbers 1 through 10 are unique words that you need to memorize:

  1. Um (one)
  2. Dois (two)
  3. Três (three)
  4. Quatro (four)
  5. Cinco (five)
  6. Seis (six)
  7. Sete (seven)
  8. Oito (eight)
  9. Nove (nine)
  10. Dez (ten)

Counting Higher in Portuguese

After ten, the numbers in Portuguese follow a more regular pattern. For instance, numbers from eleven to nineteen are formed by combining “dez” (ten) with units. From twenty onwards, you combine the tens with the units using “e” (and). For example, twenty-one in Portuguese is “vinte e um.”

Tips for Practicing Portuguese Counting

Becoming fluent in Portuguese counting takes practice:

  • Start by learning numbers 1 through 10.
  • Once you’re comfortable with these, practice counting higher.
  • Repeat the numbers aloud and try using them in practical scenarios, such as saying your age or asking for quantities in a store.

Having a strong grasp of Portuguese numbers is vital for anyone looking to become fluent in the Portuguese language. They are used in everyday conversations, and knowing how to count can make your life much easier when traveling or communicating in Portuguese.

Resources for Learning Portuguese Numbers

There are several resources available for learning Portuguese numbers. Language learning courses often have sections dedicated to numbers. Additionally, you can find online resources like “Fluent in 3 Months,” which offer strategies for quick language acquisition. Make use of these language learning resources to practice and refine your skills.

Conclusion: Achieving a Complete Understanding of Portuguese Numbers

Mastering Portuguese numbers is achievable with dedication and practice. Start with the basics, and progressively learn higher numbers. Engage in practical exercises to retain the numbers. Through consistent practice and making use of language learning resources, you’ll become proficient in Portuguese counting and closer to achieving fluency in the Portuguese language.


How do I count in Portuguese?

Counting in Portuguese involves learning the cardinal numbers. You start with numbers 1 through 10, which are unique words. From 11 onwards, numbers are formed by combining words. For instance, 21 is “vinte e um”. Practice by saying the numbers aloud and using them in practical situations.

Are Portuguese numbers similar to Spanish numbers?

Yes, Portuguese and Spanish numbers are similar because both languages are Romance languages and have Latin roots. However, there are differences in pronunciation and spelling.

What is the pronunciation of Portuguese numbers?

The pronunciation of Portuguese numbers varies. For example, “um” is pronounced like “oong”, and “dois” is pronounced like “doysh”. Portuguese pronunciation can be tricky, so using audio resources or language learning platforms can be beneficial.

Are there any irregularities in Portuguese number patterns?

There are some irregularities in Portuguese numbers, especially from 11 to 19, where the numbers are formed by combining “dez” (ten) with units. From 20 onwards, the pattern becomes more regular, with the tens combined with the units using “e” (and).

How do I write Portuguese numbers in words?

Portuguese numbers are written as a combination of words. For example, 1 is “um”, 2 is “dois”, 21 is “vinte e um”, and 30 is “trinta”. It is essential to learn the words for the numbers 1 through 10, and the multiples of 10, as they form the basis for writing other numbers.

Are there any differences between European and Brazilian Portuguese numbers?

European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese mainly have the same numbers, but there can be differences in pronunciation. In Brazil, the pronunciation might be a bit more open, while in Portugal, it can be more closed or formal.

Where can I find audio resources to practice Portuguese numbers?

Audio resources for practicing Portuguese numbers can be found on language learning platforms like Duolingo, Pimsleur, or Rosetta Stone. Additionally, there are YouTube channels dedicated to language learning, and websites like “Fluent in 3 Months” that offer strategies and resources for language acquisition.

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