Mexican culture is rich with colorful expressions and sayings that are not only humorous but often embody deep wisdom and life lessons. These dichos, or sayings, have been passed down through generations, often reflecting the values, humor, and philosophy of life in Mexico. Here, we delve into ten funny Mexican sayings that will tickle your funny bone and provide insights into the Mexican way of life.

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1. “Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente.”

English Translation: “The shrimp that falls asleep gets carried away by the current.”

Mexicans use this saying as a humorous way to warn against complacency. It suggests that, like a shrimp in the ocean, if you’re not paying attention, external forces (the current) will sweep you away. In life, it means that opportunities may pass you by if you don’t stay alert and proactive. This saying often serves as a lighthearted reminder to keep your eyes open and be ready for whatever comes your way.

2. “No hay que buscarle tres pies al gato.”

English Translation: “Don’t look for the cat’s third leg.”

This humorous phrase is used when someone is overcomplicating a situation or looking for problems where there aren’t any. Cats, of course, have four legs, so searching for a third is a fruitless endeavor. It’s a way to advise people to not make things more difficult than they need to be, emphasizing the importance of simplicity and common sense.

3. “Estar hasta en la sopa.”

English Translation: “To be even in the soup.”

In English, you might say someone is “everywhere you go” or “all over the place,” but in Mexico, they say that person is even in the soup! This expression humorously illustrates that you can’t seem to avoid someone or something, no matter where you are or what you do – they are as omnipresent as the broth in a bowl of soup.

4. “¿A poco?”

English Translation: “Really? / No way!”

While not a saying in the traditional sense, “¿A poco?” is a colloquial and humorous expression of disbelief or amazement, equivalent to the English “You don’t say!” or “Really?” It’s often used when someone tells you something surprising or when you doubt the veracity of a statement.

5. “Barriga llena, corazón contento.”

English Translation: “Full belly, happy heart.”

This saying reflects the love for food in Mexican culture and the belief that good food is directly connected to good spirits. It’s a funny yet sincere way of expressing that happiness can often be found in a simple, delicious meal. After all, it’s hard to be grumpy when you’re well-fed!

6. “Más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo.”

English Translation: “The devil knows more from being old than from being the devil.”

Mexicans use this saying to emphasize the value of life experience. It humorously suggests that even the devil’s cunning is less due to his nature and more to his age. It’s a playful acknowledgment that wisdom often comes with years, and sometimes, the elderly might be more wily and knowledgeable than they let on.

7. “Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda.”

English Translation: “Even if the monkey dresses in silk, it stays a monkey.”

This humorous saying is akin to the English expression “You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.” It means that no matter how much you try to disguise or embellish something (or someone), it won’t change its true nature. It’s a reminder to be authentic and not to judge based on appearances.

8. “El que con lobos anda, a aullar se enseña.”

English Translation: “He who runs with wolves learns to howl.”

This saying humorously advises on the company one keeps, implying that you pick up the habits of those you associate with. If you hang around wolves, you’re going to start howling like one. It’s a light-hearted warning that you may be influenced by the behavior of those around you, for better or for worse.

9. “Tanto va el cántaro al agua hasta que se rompe.”

English Translation: “The jug goes to the water so many times until it breaks.”

The humor in this saying lies in its depiction of the inevitable. Just like a water jug that’s used repeatedly until it eventually wears out and breaks, this saying serves as a metaphor for persistence leading to consequences. It’s a tongue-in-cheek reminder that pushing your luck can eventually lead to an unwanted outcome.

10. “Por si las moscas.”

English Translation: “Just in case of the flies.”

This saying is the Mexican equivalent of “just in case.” The addition of “the flies” adds humor to the precautionary statement, reflecting the pragmatism in Mexican culture with a dash of comedic flair. It is an acknowledgment that one should always be prepared for any minor inconvenience or unexpected turn of events, even something as unpredictable as a fly invasion.


Mexican sayings, rich with humor and earthy wisdom, offer a glimpse into the cultural values and philosophies that Mexicans live by. They reveal an approach to life that values experience, simplicity, and a good sense of humor. These sayings aren’t just about making you laugh; they’re about imparting life lessons in a way that’s memorable and entertaining. Next time you encounter a challenging situation, perhaps consider the wisdom of these dichos – you may find guidance and perhaps a chuckle, too.


Some popular funny Mexican sayings include “No hay que buscarle tres pies al gato” (Don’t look for the cat’s third leg), meaning don’t overcomplicate things, and “Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente” (The shrimp that falls asleep gets carried away by the current), advising vigilance.

Are there any funny Mexican sayings about food?

Yes, for example, “Barriga llena, corazón contento” (Full belly, happy heart) humorously expresses that a good meal is key to happiness, and “Estar hasta en la sopa” (To be even in the soup) means someone or something is omnipresent.

Why are Mexican sayings so funny?

Mexican sayings are funny because they often use exaggerated or absurd imagery to make a point. This playful use of language not only entertains but also makes the sayings memorable, allowing them to impart wisdom in a light-hearted manner that reflects the cultural value placed on humor.

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