When traveling or communicating with Spanish speakers, it’s essential to be able to describe the temperature accurately. Whether you’re discussing the weather or commenting on a warm day, knowing how to say “hot” in Spanish can be incredibly useful. In this guide, we will explore different ways to express “hot” in Spanish, along with some additional temperature-related vocabulary.

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Basic Translation: “Hot”

The most straightforward way to say “hot” in Spanish is by using the word “caliente.” This term is commonly used to describe high temperatures, warm objects, or even spicy food. For example:

  • “Hace mucho calor hoy” – “It’s very hot today.”
  • “El café está caliente” – “The coffee is hot.”
  • “Este chile es muy caliente” – “This chili is very hot.”

Alternative Synonyms for “Hot”

While “caliente” is the most common translation for “hot” in Spanish, it’s worth noting that there are alternative synonyms that can be used depending on the context. Here are a few examples:

  • “Cálido/a”: This term refers to warm or mild temperatures. It can also describe a cozy or warm atmosphere.
  • “Abrasador/a”: Translated as “scorching,” this term is more intense than “caliente” and is often used to describe extremely high temperatures.
  • “Bochornoso/a”: This word implies a sweltering and suffocating heat, often accompanied by humidity.
  • “Sofocante”: Similar to “bochornoso,” this term emphasizes oppressive and stifling heat.

Spanish, like any other language, has its own set of expressions and idioms related to heat. Incorporating these phrases into your conversations will add a touch of authenticity and cultural understanding. Here are a few examples:

  • “Hacer un calor que pela”: This expression means “to be boiling hot” and is commonly used to describe extremely high temperatures.
  • “Estar al rojo vivo”: This idiom translates to “to be red hot” and can be used to describe both physical objects and situations that are extremely heated or intense.
  • “Ponerse al rojo”: This phrase means “to turn red,” and when used in the context of the weather, it implies that the heat is becoming unbearable.
  • “Hacer calor como para rajar las piedras”: This expression, which means “to be hot enough to split stones,” is used to describe intense heat that is difficult to bear.

Describing Different Levels of Heat

Spanish provides various ways to describe different levels of heat, allowing for more nuanced temperature discussions. Here are some terms you can use:

  • “Templado/a”: This term refers to mild or lukewarm temperatures.
  • “Caluroso/a”: It describes warm or sultry weather but not as intense as “hot.”
  • “Caldeado/a”: This word indicates a heated or warm environment.
  • “Ardiente”: Translated as “burning,” this term implies a high level of heat.
  • “Hirviente”: Used to describe boiling or scalding temperatures.


In Spanish, there are several ways to express “hot” depending on the context and intensity of the heat. The word “caliente” serves as a general translation, but alternative synonyms like “cálido,” “abrasador,” “bochornoso,” and “sofocante” provide more specificity. Incorporating expressions and idioms related to heat can enrich your conversations and help you connect with Spanish speakers on a cultural level. Remember to explore the various terms for different levels of heat, enabling you to accurately describe temperatures in diverse scenarios. So, next time you’re discussing the weather or enjoying a warm cup of coffee, you’ll be able to express yourself fluently in Spanish.


What is the equivalent of “hot” in Spanish?

The most common equivalent of “hot” in Spanish is “caliente.” It can be used to describe high temperatures, warm objects, or even spicy food.

Can you provide other Spanish words for “hot” when it’s not used to describe temperature?

Certainly! Here are a few Spanish words that can be used to describe “hot” in different contexts:

  • “Picante”: This word specifically refers to spicy or hot flavors in food.
  • “Ardiente”: Translated as “burning” or “fiery,” it can be used to describe intense emotions or passionate situations.
  • “Caluroso/a”: While it generally describes warm weather, it can also be used to describe a person who is passionate or full of energy.

How do I pronounce “hot” in Spanish?

The word “hot” in Spanish is pronounced as “cah-lyen-teh.” Here’s a breakdown of the pronunciation:

  • “Cah”: The “ca” sounds like the “ca” in “car.”
  • “lyen”: The “lyen” sounds like “lyen” in the word “lien” without the “i” sound.
  • “teh”: The “teh” sounds like the “te” in “ten” followed by a soft “eh” sound.

Remember to emphasize the syllable “lyen” to maintain the correct stress pattern in Spanish.

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