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First, I will define learning in the best way I can through my own understanding. Learning is gaining new mental structures within our mind that we can come back to at will to access it as information. In terms of this definition, I would like to learn writing styles and techniques from the examples of the books we are going to read in this class. I am particularly keen on Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, as I have heard much about his way of storytelling and the poignant moods he conveys in rather simple language. Learning by example from the masters of literature is better than reading textbooks, in my opinion. The writing styles I want to learn about is realism and modernism, and the writing techniques I yearn to enhance my knowledge in is showing and writing without apparent sentiment.

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Since I learned a great deal about writing essays in English 100 and English 99, including how to formulate a thesis statement, organize paragraphs and their ideas, and write a reasonable conclusion, I see no real need to improve in this respect at this point. What I want to concentrate on now, perhaps by exploring various research topics for English, is how to upgrade my writing styles and techniques, so that I can become a more well-rounded writer.

I have studied writing and English literature on my own outside of school, as I want to be a writer. I see no other profession for myself, as all other subjects are rather drear to me. Studying writing and the English language seem to be the only subjects that contain creativity in their curriculum—at least at this stage in my academic career.

Some students may write that they want to meet new friends in class, but I am fine with my own friends within school and outside of that realm. What I am truly looking forward to in this class is improving my knowledge in writing, and not to be engaged more socially. I will, however, participate in discussions and group projects, as it only wise to do so in a collective environment and in respect of my grades.

I plan to take copious notes on books we read and use my findings in my essays accordingly. This to me is not extra work, as I will thoroughly enjoy it and see it as a part of my training to become a professional writer. As I said, I am vying for a career in writing, so I do not have a chance to act with lethargy at a chance to garner more knowledge in my respective field.

I look forward to attending English 101, with its examinations of writing techniques and styles, illustrated by classic literature. I am certain this course will add a reservoir of information to my mind, and will stand as a base for my further studies in my forte.

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