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Everyone who has been looking for a job long enough knows how important it is to possess a set of diverse skills that complement each other. Employers are often looking not only for a person who can do a certain kind of job, but rather a candidate whose skills allow him or her to deal with a wide variety of concomitant tasks along with main duties. Moreover, there are skills that make some candidates more preferable to employers than others; this depends on the situation on the market, industry trends, specifics of each particular company, and so on—but still, possessing certain skills can help a person find a job relatively easily and quickly.

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According to LinkedIn career expert Catherine Fisher, the following skills are the most required skills on the planet in 2017: cloud and distributed computing; statistical analysis and data mining; web architecture and development framework; middleware and integration software; user interface design; network and information security; mobile development; data presentation; SEO/SEM marketing; storage systems and management. This set varies depending on the country, and can be complemented with some other skills; for example, in Canada, one can add Java development, software revision control systems, and data engineering and warehousing to one’s resume. On the other side of the planet, in Singapore, one will be able to make use of public policy and international relations, corporate law and governance, and algorithm design (LinkedIn). But generally, the list is the same, and it is what employers have been looking for in 2016-2017.

As explained by Catherine Fisher, there are several reasons for this. For instance, cloud and distributed computing has for a while (2 years) remained the most demanded skill in the world, especially in such countries as the United States, Spain, Germany, France, Ireland, India, and Singapore. Cloud computing is nowadays the cutting edge of technological development, so in order to stay competitive and follow trends, companies prefer to hire people knowledgeable in this area. Close to cloud computing and distribution is data presentation. In the epoch of graphic design and information perceived visually, being able to visualize and organize data, and making it easily comprehensible, is a valuable asset for a job hunter. Connected to this skill is user interface design, since all kinds of program solutions, mobile applications, and other software widely used by companies and people around the world utilize graphic interfaces; the more intuitive, informative, and easy-to-use the interface is, the more effective the work with a piece of software becomes (LinkedIn).

According to research conducted by Upwork, one of the largest freelance websites, the most demanded skill in 2016 was machine learning—since modern businesses generate and collect vast amounts of data, it is important to hire people able to create adaptive algorithms to manage it. Upwork’s CEO Stephane Kasriel believes the freelance workforce is the best indicator for tracing new skill trends. “Businesses are turning to freelancers to complete projects requiring skills that aren’t available locally,” Kasriel says; so, respectively, by monitoring which freelance positions are most in demand, one can make a conclusion about the most popular skills. Along with machine learning, the most required skills include social media management, Facebook marketing, and content writing. Another source, Opportunity, informs about the increased rankings of sales-related skills. Bill Jula, co-founder of Opportunity, believes that since sales are nowadays directly connected to e-commerce, customer support, and so on, and since companies need to expand and grow, the high demand on sales-related skills will persist (Business News Daily).

As it can be seen, the majority of professional skills that can make a person hired is closely connected to the sphere of Internet technologies, computing, data management, and sales. For example, cloud computing is one of the most demanded skills among employers globally; the same refers to machine learning and other similar tech skills; however, this does not mean that a person not knowledgeable in technology will not be able to find a job: Facebook marketing, content writing, social media management, and other sales-related skills have gained popularity among employers. Therefore, in order to boost one’s career, it is important to monitor these trends and obtain the most required skills.

Works Cited

  1. Fisher, Catherine. “LinkedIn Unveils the Top Skills that Can Get You Hired in 2017, Offers Free Courses for a Week.” Official LinkedIn Blog. LinkedIn, n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2017. <>.
  2. “What Employers Want: 38 In-Demand Skills.” Business News Daily. N.p., 25 Oct. 2016. Web. 31 Jan. 2017. <>
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