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classic teslaIt is difficult to underestimate the role of a single person in the development of culture, science, technology, and so on. Throughout history, the greatest inventions and greatest discoveries usually belonged not to groups of people, but to single individuals; these persons moved humanity forward. One such person was a famous Serbian inventor, Nikola Tesla. Widely known among scientists, he nevertheless remains almost unknown to the wider public, although the scale of his genius was probably compatible with Einstein’s.

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Many of this man’s inventions have forever changed the world we live in. For example, the rotating magnetic field, which was his first breakthrough in 1882; a rotating magnetic field allows power engines to have an alternating current without having to convert it into a direct current (as it had to be done before the invention of a rotating magnetic field). Just a year after Tesla had brought the idea of an alternating current motor to life, he built a physical model of it; within two years, the AC motor was used in AC generators and transformers. In 1897, Nikola Tesla had introduced the idea of the radio to the world—he had sent a wireless transmission from his laboratory in New York to a boat located 25 miles away. Antennas, tuners, and everything else related to the radio was also invented by him, although the credit for these inventions was given to an inventor named Guglielmo Marconi (HowStuffWorks). This is not the full list, of course.

Apart from his inventions, Nikola Tesla was an intriguing and interesting personality himself. Although being renowned and rich, and thus being popular among women, he nevertheless remained single, abstaining from having any emotional and sexual connection with women; he believed that it would negatively affect his thinking capabilities. Still, in one of his interviews, he admitted that he doubted this decision from time to time ( He rarely slept, claiming that for him it was enough to take a quick two-hours long nap to completely refresh his mind and body; in addition, he was a vegetarian, and had photographic memory—Tesla could remember contents of an entire book after briefly looking at its pages (

He had his own mental peculiarities; perhaps all people do, but those of his were as unique as himself. He was afraid of dirt and diseases, and could not stand being exposed to certain things, such as earrings, pearls, hair, or overweight women. He was also known to have several OCDs, such as constant hand-washing and counting items in his mind. His passion for cleanliness was obsessive, as well as his proneness to self-discipline; however, he never asked for psychiatric aid, and even managed to use some of his OCDs in favor of his studies (

Nikola Tesla was a scientist and inventor who forever changed the world we live in. Without him, we would probably never use a radio (or not until decades later); AC motors, transformers, antennas, and a lot of other things related to electricity would hardly be possible without this man. Possessing attributes such as a photographic memory, a strong intelligence, self-discipline, and devotion to his work, he also suffered from a number of quirks: OCDs and strange aversions. Still, this only made his personality more intriguing and fascinating.


Chow, Denise. “Happy 158th, Nikola Tesla! Strange Facts about the Inventor.” LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 09 July 2014. Web. 22 Sept. 2015.

“10 Things You May Not Know about Tesla.” EDN. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Sept. 2015.

Hall-Geisler, Kristen. HowStuffWorks., n.d. Web. 22 Sept. 2015.

“Nikola Tesla’s Personality.” A Blog Around The Clock. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Sept. 2015.

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