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Centrifugal PumpPumps and pumping systems are vital devices in the maintenance of the majority of modern civilizations. According to Karl Ochsner (2008), a specialist in pumping technologies, pumps are devices that move liquids and gases, and sometimes slurries by a mechanical action. Engineers classify pumps into three categories based on the method they use to move fluids. These categories are direct lift, gravity pumps, and displacement pumps. People use pumps in various aspects of life, such as medicine, engineering, and home improvement. Pumps can be operated through many energy sources including electricity, wind power, engines, and manual operations. Without pumping systems, all the aforementioned technologies would not be able to operate.

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Pumping systems are widely employed in the medical field. Doctors use infusion pumps to administer fluids, nutrients, and medications into a patient’s circulatory system (Ochsner, 2008). These infusions are intravenous, but sometimes doctors use subcutaneous, epidural, and arterial methods. These pumps can infuse fluids more accurately than nurses can perform it manually. For example, nursing staff can administer as little as 0.1 milliliters injections per hour, injections with retaliate boluses if the patient requests, hourly injections, or injections per minute (Chapleau & Pons, 2007). Doctors also inject controlled amounts of fluids beneath the skin; sine infusion pumps can produce high but controlled pressures.

The domestic use of pumping systems includes pumping water, waste pumping, cleaning, and hot showers. Pumps located at common points in housing units make water supply to homes possible. These pumps are electrically operated to pump water to connected houses. Water from the source is pumped to the treatment plant. Treated water is then piped to various houses using pumps (Henn & Soule, 2010). Pumps ensure people have access to clean water. Waste effluents are removed from homes with the use of progressing cavity pumps. Sewerage systems are connected with pipes; waste water from homes is connected to a central waste treatment point. Sewerage materials are treated and pumped to recycling units (Henn & Soule, 2010). After treatment, the remaining waste is pumped to disposal areas to ensure the environment is maintained clean and fit for human beings. Gases used for cooking are piped using pumps to cooking systems. Pumps are also used for cleaning floors and walls, and heating shower water.

Pumps are administered in engineering fields such as manufacturing and construction operations. Compressed air powered pumps are intrinsically designed to ensure safety in manufacturing operations. Some manufacturers offer ATEX-certified models in order to comply with engineering regulations. Wilden pumps, Sandiper, and ARO are relatively inexpensive pumps and perform most of the engineering duties, such as pumping water out of bunds and pumping hydrochloric acid from secure storage (Henn & Soule, 2010). The pumps can either be manufactured as elastomers or body construction. Pumps reduce the effort required to perform various operations and make manufacturing and construction activities effective.

Pumps are devices used to move fluids, gases, and slurries; they are crucial in the maintenance of the modern lifestyle. Pumps are applicable in the medical field, domestic applications and engineering operations. Doctors use infusion pumps to infuse nutrients and medication into patients’ bloodstreams. Domestic uses of pumps include moving piped water and sewage transfers. The main engineering uses of pumps include constructions and manufacturing functions. As it can be seen, pumps are an intrinsic part of modern life.


Chapleau, W., & Pons, P. T. (2007). Emergency Medical Technician: Making the Difference. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby Jems / Elsevier.

Ochsner, K. (2008). Geothermal Heat Pumps: A Guide for Planning and Installing. London: Earthscan.

Henn, R. W., & Soule, N. C. (2010). Ultrafine Cement in Pressure Grouting. Reston, Va: American Society of Civil Engineers.

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