The following sample is only an excerpt that is meant to demonstrate the structure of a thesis and the writing involved. Annotations will accompany the examples.

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Title Page

Note that even though this is a thesis sample, it is noted as a dissertation as well. In many countries, the names are synonymous, while others consider it to be completely different. In this case, this is a thesis sample in the format that is readily accepted in the U.S.

Screenshot from 2013-06-12 12:26:26Approval Page

Approvals are usually carried out in order to ensure that the document has met its requirements.

number 2Second Title Page

It is important to insert another short title page. It is often seen in published books.

number 3Outline Abstract

This form of abstract provides essential information and a signature of the committee chair.

n 4Table of Contents

In a thesis, a table of contents displays all the sections and subsections respectively. 

n 5List of Figures

You will undoubtedly have figures to illustrate your research. In order to organize your figures properly, you need to compose a list of them.

num 6List of Tables

In addition to a list of figures, you will need to organize your tables.

num 7Chapters

Now you are ready for presenting the meat of the research. Remember to apply introductions and subsections within your chapters.

n 8Figures

Be sure to illustrate your research properly by using figures. Remember to annotate below the figures to allow the readers to know the importance of the image.

n 10Scale Figures

Scale figures are a classic way to display data coherently. Almost every thesis contains them.


Though not as flashy as figures, tables can display research more succinctly. 


Remember to add footnotes, even if they are lengthy (no more than 3 three sentences though). Footnotes often refer to the appendix section.

n19Experimental Overviews

Much of research is experiments, whether it be scientific, mathematical,  philosophic, or pertaining to literature. It is essential to have experimental overviews in your thesis.


Summaries are fundamental, as they lend to the comprehension of the readers. Commonly, each chapter has a summary. You can also place a summary at the end of your thesis to summarize your entire research.

n21The Future

Though your research might have been made at current, it does not mean that you cannot foreshadow the effects of your research on the future.


Defining your terms is one of the most crucial elements of a thesis. The language that you use in your thesis will reflect on its development and outcome.

p23Appendix Section

An appendix in a thesis is case-specific: they often have more than one chapter in order to expand on original research.

n25Citing Sources

Do not forget to cite your sources, even those that are unpublished. Following a citation page, occasionally, is an acknowledgement page.

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