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sexThe personification of sexuality in American media helps to form the perception that Americans are obsessed with sex (Baumeister & Tice, 2007). Sex is an important act from a physiological and psychological perspective. For some, talking about sex and sexual conquests can be an awkward conversation. Others readily seek to boast about their experiences, and even overestimate the number of sexual partners they had. Overall, I believe that society appears to have a double-standard. Men can easily have sex with multiple women and these practices are glorified. Yet women are not subject to similar norms. I believe the lack of definition of what constitutes sex further contributes to male and female differentiation. For some, there are three types of sex, while others only count two types of sex as relevant in tallying their conquests.

Woman shrugging
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Bisexuality is another explanation as to why men often report having a higher number of sexual conquests than women (Baumeister & Tice, 2007). From one perspective, this explanation makes sense. However, I personally find it difficult to believe that this many men would engage in sexual contact with other men. American culture breeds openness towards sexuality. However, bisexuality and homosexuality are often less promoted. As a society, I believe that we have yet to fully accept bisexuality and homosexuality enough in order to account for these high numbers of sexual conquests claimed by men.

Infidelity is another important element of relationships that is characterized by sex (Human Sexuality Reader, n.d.). Relationships can be a difficult process as people constantly grow and transition into new stages in their lives. Many people begin dating as teenagers. Arguably, this may be the easiest time to have a relationship as societal expectations are less. As people grow older, they are expected to manage multiple responsibilities. From this perspective, monogamy often works best with the adult lifestyle. Yet, managing a relationship is a difficult process and sometimes people overlook their partners. I believe these situations often lead to infidelity, as individuals feel as though they are not receiving adequate attention from their partner. Yet many people change as they grow, and in some cases individuals may find that they are not in a relationship with the same person they previously knew. Although I do not believe that infidelity is a solution to a problem, it happens. However, I believe that there usually are warning signs that the relationship is failing before the infidelity occurs. Although it may be fair to say that some people are chronic cheaters, but these situations are few.

I believe when a relationship fails, it is easier to blame the other person than to admit our own faults. I believe that on some level, we all know what we committed mistakes that contributed to the demise of the relationship. However, admitting these happenings would be similar to admitting we were wrong. Although admitting one’s own fault is a difficult concept to enact, it seems it is that much more difficult in a relationship as people become emotionally vested and secure.


Baumeister, Brain and Tice, Melanie. Scales of Bisexuality. Regal Press. New York, 2007.

Adams, Curtis. Human Sexuality Reader. Chap House Books. Chicago, 2009.

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