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To: Andrew O’Donnell
CC: Martin Smith
Subject: Your Job Promotion

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Dear Mr. O’Donnell,

For the period of time you have been working at SFTWare, Inc., you have distinguished yourself as a responsible and competent worker. Your initiatives have brought our company significant profits and your leadership qualities have helped organize and rally the collective.

Considering the aforementioned facts, together with your other achievements and qualities, management has made the decision to promote you to Assistant Director of Marketing Communications. Your appointment will take effect on February 16th. The annual salary for the position will be $47,000; you will be paid on a monthly basis.

You will report to Martin Smith, Director, Marketing Communications. He is extremely pleased with your work in previous positions you have held and is looking forward to working with you.

Congratulations on your promotion.

Jack Scott,

Director, Human Resources

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