In 684 BC, India, there was a king who ruled the region of Magadha—modern-day Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. His name was King Pradyota, and he yearned to rule all of India from a single flag. The farmer and business owner alike feared his personal arrival. They did not know who would perish next by the King’s thirst for violence. Even when Pradyota was not there to deal out his destruction, his vast net of regulatory guards employed their weapons against the land of Magadha, searching for ways to extract goods or punish those who spoke in disregard to the King’s reign.

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But there were citizens, people proud to belong to a history of sages and virtuous governmental magistrates, that cultivated a balance of morality and sensibility. Unfortunately, these patriots, keen on the old ideals of Magadha, were usually dispatched of by the gruff of the regulatory guard. Yet, those who are against immorality while retaining the sanctuary of a calm mind, those whose blood flows with devotion on the day of martyrdom, are irrepressible. Even their death calls upon others to live in the fullness of a freedom as ancient as the land itself.

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