From: Mark Jacobs

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Position: CEO, Liquid Me advertising agency

To: Reginald Spector

July 21st, 2013

Dear Mr. Spector,

imagesI would like to recommend Mr. Louis Canzone for the position of Art Director in your respected company MileStoneFish. Mr. Canzone has a vast and diverse experience working in the creative field: he has been employed as an advertisement copywriter for Morris Lemon Stuff for two years, and close to three years in the same position in my company, Liquid Me. During this time, Mr. Canzone has improved his skills in visual arts: he has graduated from the Silverton College of Design and Applied Arts with a B.A., majoring in graphic illustration, though his first B.A. degree was attained in the field of philosophy. To my mind, due to this and other factors listed below, and based on my experience of working in the advertisement business, Mr. Canzone is a perfect candidate for the position of Art Director.

The two most outstanding characteristics of Mr. Canzone is his creativity and sense of humor. Sometimes he seems to pull his ideas out of the air, though during our communication I discovered his vast knowledge in many spheres, as well as his ability to form associations between objects or subjects that at first seem to have nothing in common. In practice, this means that Mr. Canzone can approach routine tasks from a different direction and with an alternative perspective, helping him create truly original advertisement products. As for the sense of humor, it is another trait of Mr. Canzone’s personality and oeuvre. He is the only person in my surrounding who can find funny moments in, for example, Kierkegaard’s philosophy, explain them in a way comprehensible for other people, and use them in his art.

Therefore, based on such personality traits of Mr. Canzone, as creativity, a quaint sense of humor, communicability, erudition, punctuality, leadership, the ability to work in a team, and also considering his skills in visual arts, he is a perfect candidate for the position of Art Director.

If you need any additional information about my protege, do not hesitate to contact me.


Mark Jacobs

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