To: Jeffrey Arlington,

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Chief HR Administrator

ABELCorp Ltd.

It is my pleasure to recommend Bruce Verner for the position of Junior Website Editor at ABELCorp Ltd. As Mr. Verner’s degree supervisor, I have worked closely with him for the past 13 months. During my work with Bruce on his dissertation, I have come to know him as a reliable and responsible person, an intelligent student, and a great team-worker. Bruce is a diligent and bright scholar, and working with him was a fascinating experience, as he is always full of new ideas, interesting suggestions, and innovative approaches. At the same time, Bruce values other people’s opinions and advice, is an excellent listener, and a helpful friend. Looking back at my 22-year experience of working with students on their dissertations, I can say that Bruce is one of my few favorite students.

There were a couple of times when Mr. Verner surprised me by altruistically putting aside his own interests and helping others instead. Once, I found out that Bruce spent the night before his proposal presentation helping his teammate prepare a presentation, while anyone else would probably have chosen to spend this precious time preparing for his own important presentation. Bruce is tolerant and respectful; he is one of the most polite students I have worked with. But, what I find especially valuable and peculiar about Mr. Verner is his incredible attention to details and his desire to polish everything to perfection, no matter how much time and effort it requires. All along, while working on his dissertation, Bruce demonstrated particular persistence in making sure that every word was a perfect fit, and that there was nothing at all at which to cavil. So it only stands to reason that Bruce’s dissertation earned the highest grade and everyone on the committee was genuinely impressed by his work.

If I had to describe Mr. Verner in one word, I would call him a perfectionist, as to me he is the absolute embodiment of what this word means. So, when I found out that Bruce was applying for a position as a Junior Website Editor at your firm, I was happy and had no doubt that he would get the spot. I can hardly imagine anyone more suited for this position. Whether it is team projects or individual assignments, Bruce will brilliantly cope with every task and will show plenty of initiative to enrich every project in which he will be involved. I am immensely happy for Bruce to have chosen your firm, as I believe your wonderful reputation and steady development will serve as the best environment for Bruce to nurture his talents and skills as an editor. Being positive that Bruce will be a valuable addition to your team, I can only imagine how much he can contribute to your firm’s future development.

Please, have no hesitation should you need to contact me with regard to this letter of recommendation. I will be glad to provide all the information I have in support of Bruce’s candidacy.

Thank you for your time and attention.


Professor Howard Danry

Department of Communication

Stanford University, CA 93456 -0567                                                                           4th May, 2012

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