LanguageTool Review:
based on real mystery shopping

A*Help Score: 75/100
🔥 published October 25, 2023 - updated January 20, 2025

Quick Overview

Languagetool, a platform that many users turn to as the best grammar checker free solution, is dedicated to proofreading your texts and identifying various types of mistakes, from grammatical to stylistic. In the context of Grammarly vs Languagetool, when we tested the service, it impressed us by correcting most of the spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors, and also helping to set the word order right. Consequently, this solution earned a commendable 75/100 pts in our assessment, positioning it as a serious competitor not only among other Languagetool alternatives but also against renowned tools like Grammarly, highlighting its efficacy and value in the market of grammar checking solutions..

The Good
  • Can be used for free
  • High-quality grammar check
  • Supports various languages
The Bad
  • Almost no sentence suggestions
  • Can underline non-existent mistakes
TOP services Our verdict AHelp Score 🔥 Updated April 2024
Service icon
Best overall grammar checker 91.3/100 Get free access
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AHELP Grammar Checker
Best free solution 90/100 Get free access
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Highest grammar-checking quality 75.7/100 Read review
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Most versatile language coverage 75/100 Read review
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Best cross-platform solution 70/100 Read review
An infographic with a short Languagetool review describing the ways it was tested and how it received an A*Help Score: 75/100

Languagetool’s Quality of Help — 30/50 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

To make sure we provided every opportunity for the Language Tool grammar checker to showcase its abilities, we have tested it with several writing samples across different online services. The results are gathered in a convenient table format. You can see that the effectiveness of the Languagetool features varies depending on what digital content the user is working on and where.

Correction Quality: Email
Correction Quality: Personal Statement
Correction Quality: Research Paper Intro
Checking Process
 >Txt 1 – Email>Txt 2 – Personal Statement>Txt 3 – Research Paper Intro
>Word Use2/43/60/15
>Word Order1/11/21/2
>General Mistake Correction Score17/2016/2111/32

Languagetool Value For Money — 26/30 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

We have found Languagetool pricing to be a solid bargain for the quality of services it provides. The available subscription plans offer a good variety of models that cater to different client needs. Though the free use comes with a word count cap, it’s decent enough for casual daily use. The paid options have enough perks to seduce a customer who requires a deeper grammatical analysis on a regular basis.

Supported languages
Extra services
Free use & wordcount limits
Pricing at Language Tool
Pricing at LanguageTool (click to see a large image)

Languagetool Overall Experience — 19/20 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Website Experience
Document Upload
Dashboard at Language Tool
Dashboard at LanguageTool (click to see a large image)

Languagetool’s Main Specs

>Supported languagesEnglish, Spanish, German, French & others
Words/Sentence suggestions
 +style & own dictionary
>Possible extra services 
>Free use & Wordcount Limites 
Free use
with limits
Wordcount10000 characters
PlansIndividual – $12.45 / month
Teams – $ 5.53 / month/ 2 users
+Annual, Quarterly and Every-2-year subscription
Need to create an account
Email for registration
Third-party registration (Google, Facebook, Apple)
>Website Experience 
Easy-to-use platform
Aesthetic Interface
Irritating ads
Contact center
Email, live chat, contact form, phone, WhatsApp
>Document Upload 
Docx/doc files
Pdf files
Browser Extension
>Checking process 
Underlines each mistake
Underlines incorrect sentences
Option to correct all mistakes at once
Shows the general grammar score
Underlines mistakes that are not there


Languagetool Reviews

Our commitment remains to offer transparent and comprehensive information about diverse online platforms. With that intent, we thoroughly researched various platforms, such as Trustpilot,, Sitejabber, and Reddit, to analyze the users’ perceptions of reviewed tools. Both positive and critical comments contribute to our overall understanding of the platform and its potential pitfalls and help us compare the service to others like with Languagetool vs Prowritingaid.

Is Languagetool a Scam?

No, Languagetool isn’t a scam. After a detailed review, we can confirm that its grammar and spell-checking features operate not only as promised but with a high quality as well. However, you might want to consider comparing it with other services like Prowritingaid vs Languagetool.

Is Languagetool Legit?

Certainly. Languagetool has firmly established itself in the online space over time. Given its growing community trust and our own evaluations, we can vouch for its authenticity and efficiency.

Is Languagetool Safe?

During our assessment of Languagetool, it stood out that users don’t need to share sensitive personal information or create an account to use its basic features, ensuring a user-friendly and safe experience. We believe it’s a secure platform for grammar checks.

Is Languagetool Trustworthy?

We put Languagetool to the test and found it is a great platform for identification of grammar, punctuation, and spelling issues. It presented us with a high checking quality earning our trust, that’s why we can call it a reliable solution. 

Is Languagetool a Good Service?

Our A*Help team used Languagetool on 3 different texts and it showed more than satisfactory results correcting a fair share of presented errors. Taking into account its convenience as well as the opportunity for free use, we confirm that Languagetool is a good spell check. It deserves its 75/100 A*Help score.

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