Top 7 Free Coding Bootcamps

published July 5, 2023 - updated April 18, 2024

In an era dominated by digital transformation, the ability to code has become an invaluable skill that transcends traditional industry boundaries. Regardless of your chosen field, understanding the language of computers provides a competitive edge and broadens the scope of possibilities. But where can one gain these skills without investing a fortune in computer science degrees? Enter coding bootcamps – intensive, practical training programs designed to impart valuable coding skills in a short period. Whether you’re a beginner with no prior experience or an industry professional looking to diversify your skills, coding bootcamps are the gateway to the tech industry. They serve as an affordable and efficient avenue to gain and enhance your coding skills.

Reviewing Free Coding Bootcamps

Free coding bootcamps have emerged as the solution to the growing demand for affordable and accessible coding education. These bootcamps serve as a bridge, connecting learners with the world of coding without the high costs typically associated with traditional education. They offer an immersive learning environment where learners can gain practical coding skills, build a robust portfolio, and prepare themselves for a thriving career in the tech industry. Besides, the flexibility and convenience offered by these bootcamps make them an ideal choice for learners juggling multiple responsibilities.

The Go-To Free Coding Bootcamps

There is an abundance of coding bootcamps available online. The choice can often be overwhelming, and finding the right one can seem like finding a needle in a haystack. However, Educators Technology has eased this task by compiling a list of the seven best free coding bootcamps that can jumpstart your journey in the coding world. Topping the list is Codecademy, a widely acclaimed platform known for its comprehensive coding courses.

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A screenshot of the Codecademy homepage from the list of free coding bootcamps

Codecademy stands as a renowned online platform offering a wide array of coding classes across multiple programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, Ruby, and more. It harnesses an interactive learning environment where learners can view the lecture on one side of the screen while typing code on the other, receiving instant feedback on their work. This immediate error-checking makes the learning process highly engaging and efficient. The platform incorporates quizzes and projects for learners to test their knowledge and apply the acquired skills in real-world scenarios.

The Good
  • Wide range of courses in various programming languages
  • Interactive and engaging learning environment
  • Instant feedback and error-checking
The Bad
  • May not offer the level of personal support found in a physical bootcamp
  • Self-paced structure may not be suitable for learners requiring strict schedules
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A screenshot of the Upskill homepage from the list of best free coding botcamps

Upskill provides a bridge for those seeking to enhance their practical coding skills. This online platform is known for its broad curriculum, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Node.js. Its remarkable feature is the immersive, hands-on learning experience it offers. Students can translate theory into practice, fostering an understanding that resonates beyond the virtual classroom.

The courses are designed around real-world projects, enabling learners to apply and reinforce the concepts they’ve studied. This approach serves to build a portfolio that demonstrates their coding skills, an essential advantage in the tech industry. Upskill, thus, serves as a catalyst for learners, gearing them up for the competitive demands of the tech landscape.

The Good
  • Comprehensive coverage of programming languages
  • Emphasis on hands-on learning with real-world projects
  • Enables portfolio building
  • Excellent for improving practical coding skills
The Bad
  • Self-paced learning requires high discipline and motivation
  • Limited advanced courses
  • Less focus on theoretical concepts
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Resilient Coders

A screenshot of the Resilient Coders homepage from the list of top free coding bootcamps

Resilient Coders, a free coding bootcamp, embodies a revolutionary approach to education in the tech industry. This platform extends beyond providing coding classes, resonating with social impact by targeting young adults from underserved communities. Offering a full-time program in web development, it aims to drive economic equity.

The mission-driven approach focuses on individuals who have limited access to technical education and job opportunities. The program is designed to equip these students with valuable tech skills and open the door to high-growth careers in the tech industry. Resilient Coders is forging a path towards a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable tech landscape.

The Good
  • Strong commitment to social impact
  • Focus on underserved communities
  • Offers full-time web development program
  • Contributes to diversity in the tech industry
The Bad
  • Limited to specific demographic groups
  • Requires full-time commitment
  • Offers a narrow range of courses
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MIT OpenCourseware

A screenshot of the MIT OpenCourseware homepage

MIT OpenCourseware stands as a testament to democratizing education in computer science and coding skills. This free online platform offers access to a wide array of resources from courses taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. These resources include lecture notes, exams, and videos.

Covering a broad spectrum of topics with a particular focus on computer science and programming, it provides learners with comprehensive insight into the field, regardless of their location. Its wealth of resources caters to beginners and advanced learners alike, making it an ideal choice for individuals eager to explore these fields.

The Good
  • Access to a variety of resources from a world-leading institute
  • Emphasis on computer science and programming
  • Suitable for beginners and advanced learners
  • Geographic location is not a barrier
The Bad
  • Self-paced learning may be challenging for some
  • Lacks personalized guidance and feedback
  • No formal recognition or certification upon course completion
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Ada Developers Academy

A screenshot of the Ada Developers Academy homepage

Ada Developers Academy, a beacon of inclusivity and empowerment in the tech industry, provides tuition-free coding bootcamps. It’s a pioneer in promoting gender diversity in the tech field, welcoming women and gender-diverse individuals to partake in a robust learning journey.

The program blends rigorous classroom training with paid internships, offering participants an opportunity to learn and apply coding skills and web development knowledge. Ada Developers Academy fosters a broader mission to close the gender gap in tech, actively working towards an inclusive and equitable tech industry.

The Good
  • Promotes gender diversity in the tech field
  • Offers classroom training and paid internships
  • Provides a comprehensive coding curriculum
  • Committed to an inclusive and equitable tech industry
The Bad
  • Specific gender criteria may limit participation
  • Limited course offering compared to other platforms
  • Requires a high level of commitment due to intensive programming
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A screenshot of the freeCodeCamp homepage

freeCodeCamp, a widely recognized online platform, offers an extensive selection of coding courses. It provides comprehensive curricula that cover fundamental to advanced topics, from HTML and CSS to Data Visualization, APIs, and Quality Assurance. This platform focuses on in-depth understanding and practical coding.

Apart from the traditional lessons, the platform offers interactive coding challenges and projects, enabling learners to apply concepts in a practical setting. The hands-on experiences solidify understanding and prepare learners for real-world applications with code challenge sites.

The Good
  • Wide variety of subjects and comprehensive curricula
  • Interactive coding challenges and projects
  • Enables learners to apply concepts in practical settings
The Bad
  • Limited personalized feedback and support
  • Advanced modules may be challenging for beginners
  • Lacks formal accreditation or certification
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A screenshot of the CodeOp homepage

CodeOp is a global coding school offering full-stack web development and data analytics bootcamps. It stands out for its mission of encouraging diversity in tech by prioritizing women, trans, and gender non-conforming individuals. This mission-driven approach empowers underrepresented groups and equips them with the skills needed for high-demand tech roles.

To further enhance accessibility, CodeOp offers scholarships and flexible payment plans, making it easier for learners to kickstart their tech journey. By fostering a diverse education, CodeOp actively contributes to a more balanced and inclusive tech industry.

The Good
  • Emphasizes diversity in tech
  • Provides scholarships and flexible payment plans
  • Offers full-stack web development and data analytics bootcamps
The Bad
  • Specific demographic criteria may limit participation
  • Offers a narrow range of courses
  • Limited locations for on-site programs


In a world driven by the tech industry, the importance of practical coding skills can’t be overstated. Free coding bootcamps such as Codecademy, Upskill, Resilient Coders, MIT OpenCourseware, Ada Developers Academy, freeCodeCamp, and CodeOp offer opportunities for everyone to learn and master these skills. These platforms not only deliver coding classes but also foster inclusivity and gender diversity, offering a diverse education for the tech field. They serve as vital gateways for learners, equipping them with the tools they need to carve a niche in the tech industry, irrespective of their background or financial constraints.

Choosing the Best Free Coding Bootcamp: A Buyer’s Guide

Choosing a coding bootcamp is a critical decision that can shape your career trajectory. With various options available, it’s crucial to evaluate each bootcamp based on several criteria. This guide will help you understand the key factors to consider, such as your requirements, ease of use, features, integration, pricing, support and community, and security, before making a choice.

Understand Your Requirements

Before jumping into any coding bootcamp, clearly define your learning objectives. Are you a beginner looking to grasp the basics, or are you an experienced coder wanting to expand your skill set? Different bootcamps cater to different skill levels and offer various programming languages. Your chosen bootcamp should align with your career aspirations and provide learning opportunities that match your current skill level and future growth potential.

Ease of Use

A bootcamp’s user interface and user experience should be intuitive and easy to navigate. This is crucial as it can significantly impact your learning process. A bootcamp with a user-friendly interface allows you to focus more on learning the material rather than wrestling with the platform. Features such as clear course organization, ease of access to resources, and efficient error-checking tools can enhance your learning experience.


The best coding bootcamps offer comprehensive features to facilitate learning. This could include interactive coding exercises, real-world projects, quizzes, and even interview preparation. The platform should also provide a progress tracking system, enabling you to monitor your advancement through the curriculum. Additionally, consider whether the bootcamp offers any certification or portfolio-building opportunities, as these can be valuable when job hunting.


Consider how well the bootcamp integrates with other learning tools and resources you might use. For instance, some bootcamps offer integrated development environments (IDEs) or connect with popular coding tools. This can make your learning process more seamless and efficient. Moreover, check if the bootcamp provides downloadable resources for offline learning, ensuring you can continue your studies even without internet access.


While you’re looking into free coding bootcamps, it’s worth considering the pricing structure for any additional features or services. Some bootcamps offer free access to basic courses but charge for advanced modules or certification. Make sure you’re aware of any potential costs upfront so you can budget accordingly. Also, look out for scholarships or financial aid that might be available.

Support and Community

A strong support system and an active community can significantly enhance your learning experience. Access to experienced mentors or instructors can provide invaluable guidance and personalized feedback. Furthermore, an engaging community of fellow learners offers opportunities for collaboration, networking, and mutual assistance. Ensure the bootcamp has active forums or communication channels that encourage such interaction.


Security is often overlooked but is an important consideration when selecting an online bootcamp. Your chosen platform should follow best practices for protecting your personal and financial information. Look for information on the bootcamp’s security measures, data encryption, and privacy policies to ensure your data is in safe hands.


Is free coding bootcamp good? 

Yes, free coding bootcamps can be an excellent resource for individuals looking to learn coding skills without incurring the significant costs often associated with traditional education. They offer an accessible entry point into the tech industry, allowing learners to acquire valuable skills and knowledge in a short period. This kind of practical training program can also facilitate career transitions and provide a competitive edge in various fields. However, the quality and depth of learning can vary between different bootcamps, so it’s essential to do thorough research and choose a program that aligns with your career goals and learning needs.

What are free coding bootcamps? 

Free coding bootcamps are training programs designed to teach coding skills without requiring learners to pay tuition. These programs are typically intensive, immersive, and practical, focusing on imparting valuable coding skills within a short time frame. They cover various programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, and Ruby, among others. Free coding bootcamps may be offered online or in person, and they often include hands-on projects, interactive learning environments, and sometimes even job placement assistance. Some of them also aim to promote diversity in the tech industry by targeting underrepresented groups.

How can I learn to code for free?

If you want to learn coding for free, you’ve got numerous choices. Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, and Upskill are excellent coding bootcamps providing comprehensive learning in various programming languages.

Online platforms such as Coursera and edX also offer free courses developed by reputable institutions. If you enjoy an academic-style learning environment, MIT OpenCourseWare provides access to university-level courses for free.

For those who prefer a more engaging approach, Codewars and CodeCombat offer learning through interactive games. You can also learn through YouTube tutorials from tech influencers or official programming documentation found online.

The most crucial part of learning to code, regardless of the platform, is consistent practice. Keep using your newfound skills on personal projects or through coding challenges to stay sharp.

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