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TO: Marshall Sallinger Medical School

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RE: Application for Admission into Marshall Sallinger Medical School

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to submit my application for placement in your medical school. Ever since middle school, biology and health studies have been my passion, and my high school records speak volumes about my achievements in these classes. My passion for medicine, along with a family tragedy when I lost my younger sister to leukemia, have both affected my choice of a future profession. I have no doubt that being an oncologist is my calling. While at college, I have had a wonderful opportunity to observe the work of top specialists working at the Marshall Sallinger Cancer Centre, and I believe what your graduates do, in cooperation with the Marshall Sallinger Cancer Foundation, is exceptional. It only stands to reason that my biggest dream, and life goal, is to become a part of your alumni team—to be able to be on the frontier and save people’s lives in their battle with cancer.

My academic achievements up to this day stem both from the interest I have in the medical sphere, as well as from my personal devotion to becoming an oncologist. On a personal level, I can describe myself as being a resilient worker, who never tires, always focused on achieving my goal despite the odds. Apart from my professional interests, I have also continuously volunteered at the Lake Placid Community Centre, where I work with families who are living with ADD, ADHD, Asperser’s, and Autism. I have nurtured my plans of helping people overcome health-related life difficulties, both as a profession and as a hobby throughout my life.

Due to the inherent limitations of an application letter, I would more than welcome an opportunity to personally discuss my qualifications and suitability as an applicant in a personal interview. I would also be happy to answer any questions in respect to this letter of application, as well as the resume I have attached to this email.

Many thanks for your time and kind consideration.


Jennifer M. Davro

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