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With this letter, I would like to apply to participate in Werkwoche this July. For me, this creativity camp is a unique opportunity to engage in the spheres I have been thrilled about for the past couple of years—photography and animation. Taking part in your youth exchange program is more than just a chance to learn new techniques and travel abroad. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet other people who are as excited about my hobby as I am.

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Photography has been my passion, beginning from my freshmen year of high school. Ever since my dad bought me a mirror lens camera, I have fallen in love with photography. Capturing movement and stand-still objects, photographing nature and people—all was new and fun to me. As time passed, I realized that taking pictures of children was my biggest inspiration. Photographing their incredible gestures, mime and moves, capturing their immense spontaneity and adorableness is what I enjoy so much. When I look through the pictures I have taken over the past four years, I realize that the photos of kids are the most sincere and frank ones. They are full of positive energy and vibrate with happiness. My new interest is old-fashioned film photography, especially black and white. The game of shades, light and dark, and the whole procedure of developing each shot, mixing the chemical compounds, photo exposure, all of which seem magical and magnificent to me.

Another activity of which I am particularly interested is animation workshops. Writing my own script for a cartoon, making multiplication using stand-still pictures, sand animation, postcards and modeling clay, choosing music, and recording sounds for each scene all sound like a lot of work—but the kind of work I would enjoy in entirety.

Unfortunately, there are no animation classes I could attend in Dublin, so Werkwoche is my chance to acquire the skills I am so eager to learn, as well as to meet and get to know people who have made this their profession. To me, the profession of a cartoon maker is just as fascinating as the profession of an illusionist or fairy tale writer, only more suited for me and my interests.

Having been an active volunteer in the Dublin Children’s Centre for the last eight months, I mostly work with children with disabilities. I believe the new skills I can acquire at the Werkwoche camp will help me a lot in my volunteer work. If I learn to make cartoons of my own, I can engage kids in the process of writing a script, making it about their lives, involving their toys, and possibly even their own pictures. I can only imagine how amazed the kids will be! This idea has been all I can think about recently. I am so eager to apply the new skills and knowledge in my work with kids, as I think this can be not simply a fun and engaging activity, but also a powerful therapeutic tool for kids. If my application is successful, the first ones to share my joy with will be the kids from the Centre. I already have an idea for each of them to create a character for the cartoon I will make, and we can all work on the script together. Just like any other kind of art therapy, this activity will help the kids to release their inner fears, worries, and stress by sublimating them into their character’s stories, and the happy ending for our cartoon will help steer the kids’ emotions in a more positive direction.

Participating in the Werkwoche is a highly anticipated opportunity that I am thrilled about. I first heard about the event less than a week ago, and ever since I have been teeming with creative ideas that I could put to practice at the workshops. So, in a way, you have already inspired me greatly. But if I do get to go, I can only imagine how much it could have changed me and my life.

Thank you in advance for considering my candidacy. I appreciate your attention.


Robert Spencer

May 12th, 2012

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