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Write a 350-450 word argumentative essay draft about the standards of parental control of media and modern technology that children engage with. State your point of view on whether it is a necessity to have security measures for underage individuals in order to dissuade them from engaging in adult content.

Parental Control as a Necessary Measure in the Upbringing of Modern Children

Living in the 21st century is connected with almost unceasing consumption of information of all kinds. A wide variety of means, such as television or Internet, allows people to access data they require with ease. However, not all information is useful and beneficial; camouflaged or uncovered violence and pornography make a significant part of information available for everyone (state why underages are in a risk group). And while adults can distinguish between rights and wrongs and safely navigate in this profound, underages are much more sensitive and exposed to its dangers. Thus, a reasonable parental control over information that their children consume is necessary.

The superfluity of easily accessible pornography and other content connected to sex as the first and foremost reason for establishing parental supervision over underages’ Internet activity (list possible consequences for children’s psychological health). Special software (image filters and blockers) can be used to minimize risks that a child runs into pornographic content by accident. The password shouldn’t be set on the computer, because (give a good reason), but spending time on the Internet together with an underage could become a sufficient security measure.

The second reason for establishing control is violence in different forms, advertised and displayed in an attractive way (list most scandalous TV programs and video games). Children tend to adopt and reproduce in real life behavioral patterns they observe. It may result into aggression towards peers, parents, and so on (browse media for examples). Talking about behavioral norms that are acceptable and unacceptable in civilized society as a way to help children distinguish between right and wrong behavior.

Numerous websites and forums using uncensored explicit vocabulary and raising provocative or obscene topics (give examples of such topics). Based on such information children may develop wrong understanding of such topics as religion, racial tolerance, sex and relationship, and so on. Parents should keep an eye on what their children read and discuss debatable topics with them.

Amounts of widely available information today pose new challenges for upbringing underages. In modern era, parents should establish moderate control on their children’s activities to ensure that their psychological development goes correctly (restate reasons why underages’ mind is vulnerable). The reasons why such control must be enabled are the superfluity of obscene sexual content in the Web, demonstrated violence, and uncensored vocabulary in provocative and debatable topics on different forums.

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