PaperTyper AI Review:
based on real mystery shopping

A*Help Score: 68.7/100
🔥 published September 29, 2023 - updated January 20, 2025

Quick Overview

PaperTyper is a tool designed to help you compose different types of writing including essays. We checked the service and put it through A*Help evaluation process. The platform received a 68.7/100 A*Help score. The essay we created with the help of this AI tool was well-written and received a high mark. However, PaperTyper lacked additional features, since only a Grammar checker was available. It also didn’t offer many options for text creation and formatting. Yet, for those on a budget, PaperTyper might be a contender for the best free AI essay writer available.

The Good
  • Quick text creation
  • Quality writing
  • Available grammar checker
The Bad
  • Almost no extra features
  • Wordcount limit on text generation
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An infographic with a short PaperTyperAI review describing the ways it was tested and how it received an A*Help Score: 68.7/100
Creating essay with PaperTyper
Creating essay with PaperTyper (click to see a bigger image)

PaperTyper: Paper Quality — 36.7/50 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

PaperTyper’s essay demonstrates a notable adherence to basic structure and formatting, with clear paragraph organization. However, while the integrity and mechanics of the writing received high marks, areas such as grammar and reasoning showed room for improvement. As we noted, the professor’s assessment highlighted issues with grammar (79%) and reasoning and logic (68%), suggesting that while the tool is capable of generating coherent text, its output might require further refinement for academic purposes. Despite these limitations, the overall score of 87.7/100 indicates that PaperTyper can produce essays of satisfactory quality for certain contexts.

Detecting AI in PaperTyper's essay
Detecting AI in PaperTyper’s essay (click to see a bigger image)

Paper score: 87.7/100 pts

⭐ Parameter✅ Personal Essay
Paper score87.7/100 pts
Creation time1 minute
Number of words677 words 

PaperTyper: Value for Money — 12/25 ⭐️⭐️

As we see it, PaperTyper’s value proposition is somewhat diminished by its limitations. The service’s basic functionality, including grammar checks and the ability to generate or rewrite texts, is offset by a notable absence of features that enhance the research and writing process, such as citation tools and plagiarism checks. The free AI essay writer trial, capped at 500 words, offered us just a glimpse into the service’s capabilities but couldn’t suffice to fully evaluate its effectiveness. Furthermore, the lack of subscription flexibility and additional text creation options suggests a service more suited to occasional or light users rather than those with more demanding writing needs.

Pricing at PaperTyper (click here to see a large image)

Subscription & Limits
Free trial
Text creation options

PaperTyper: Overall Experience — 20/25 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Navigating PaperTyper’s platform is a breeze, thanks to its clean design and intuitive essay creation flow. The process of generating text is fast, fulfilling the promise of efficiency. However, the inability to try the service without registration and the absence of a diverse payment system (lacking support for popular wallets) hindered accessibility for us. The experience is streamlined but feels somewhat restricted by the service’s simplicity and the lack of in-depth support options.

Website Experience
Text creation time


Based on our review, PaperTyper stands out for its ease of use and quick text generation, making it suitable for users in need of rapid essay drafting with minimal complexity. However, its limitations, particularly in word count and advanced features, suggest it is best suited for simpler tasks rather than comprehensive academic writing projects. Yet, we admit that users seeking depth, such as research assistance, extensive citation formats, and plagiarism checking, will likely find PaperTyper’s offerings too basic for their needs.


PaperTyper Reviews

Our A*Help team always digs deep into the subject, when reviewing any kinds of platforms. With PaperTyper it was the same. We went on Reddit, Trustpilot,, and Sitejabber, picked out negative comments, and analyzed the most trustful ones. You can review our findings in the Negativity Rank section of the article to keep yourself informed on the possible issues with the chosen platform.

Is PaperTyper a Scam?

No, PaperTyper is not a scam. We tried to use the service ourselves and ended up with a well-written essay on our hands. Hence, we can say the service works as intended.

Is PaperTyper Legit?

Yes, PaperTyper is a platform with a reputation in the field of AI essay writing services. Considering a buzz around the website as well as a track record of dedicated users, PaperTyper is definitely legitimate.

Is PaperTyper Safe?

When we registered on PaperTyper we didn’t have to provide any unnecessary details. We also didn’t notice any fraudulent activity on the platform itself. Thus, we confirm that this service is safe to use.

Is PaperTyper Trustworthy?

We used PaperTyper to create an essay of our own and it handled this task perfectly well. That’s why we would say that this service can be trusted with your academic writing tasks.

Is PaperTyper a Good Service?

After a thorough review PaperTyper received 68.7/100 pts A*Help score. This result mostly reflects the platform’s great ability to handle academic writing. However, it did lack extra tools and features to make the service even more helpful. You can check out our website for more platforms with an extended toolkit of services.

Is PaperTyper Free?

Yes, PaperTyper is a free tool. However, it does have a limit of 500 words per generation. If that word count is not enough for you, you could buy extra words if needed.

Can PaperTyper write my College Paper?

Yes, PaperTyper can become a decet tool when it comes to decent paper writing. However, note that it only offers text generation and grammar-checking features on its platform.

Does PaperTyper have Anti-Plagiarism Features?

No, PaperTyper doesn’t have plagiarism detection software on its platform.

PaperTyper: Specs

> Website experience 
Aesthetic Interface✅
Easy-to-use platform✅
Simple Essay creation flow✅
Trying before registration❌
Full time to generate essay1 minute
Wordcount limits500 words
> Support System 
Support chat/phone❌
> Services 
AI chat❌
Research assistant❌
In-text citations❌
Reference finder❌
MLA and APA Citations❌
Grammar check✅
> Subscriptions & Limits 
Wallets (ApplePay, GooglePay, Paypal)❌
American Express✅
> Free trial 
Free trial/plan✅
Limits500 words
>Text Creation Options 
> Text Submission 
Format ✅, essay format
Structure✅, paragraph structure with headings

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