Recently, I’ve been browsing websites and forums dedicated to the writing process; I was wondering what people usually advise each other. I must say that much of the advice I read was indeed useful. But what I’ve noticed as well is that few people pay attention to the technical aspects of writing. Everybody is like, “To be a more interesting writer, you must have style, or make vivid descriptions, or create credible characters, or dance around with a shaman drum, or do whatever else.”
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It’s all good, of course, but I thought that some linguistic stuff would also work well for any writer. For example, let’s take a look at the curious technique of alliteration. Alliteration means starting several (or all) words in a sentence with the same letter.
For example: Susy’s sadness seemed to be the same as when she said farewell to her mother a decade ago.
This technique is great for making sentences flow, and sound nice. Many famous writers used (and still use) alliteration to create affecting sentences. For instance, check out the following quote from Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”:
“From forth the fatal loins of these two foes; a pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life.” (Prologue to Act 1)
Can you see it? Alliteration gives the sentence some kind of run-up, so that you can’t stop reading it until its end. This is what the flow is. Alliteration does not need to be spread on an entire sentence; neither does it has to be used often. But sometimes, when you want to emphasize a certain place or line in your writing, you might want to refer to alliteration, as it is one of the most effective tools for creating a positive impression.
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