This month: Haven’t thought about learning programming yet? Maybe you should! Getting into coding could never be this easy with all the tips based on first-hand experiences. Start with the breakdown of Java and Javascript alongside the most insightful recommendations on learning these languages. And while you are on this IT grind maybe think about becoming a full-stack developer and use a comprehensive guide to help you out.

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If you are not into reading the news but still want to stay updated on the latest trends in programming, A*Help got you covered. We collect all the juiciest and most discussed topics to form a monthly digest to keep you posted on what’s happening in the IT world. We are determined to give you the most valuable pieces so you don’t waste your time on irrelevant information. On top of that, this news summary can be useful in showing you how to get into coding yourself and start your IT career.

Exploring the World of Programming Languages: Types, Tips, and Personal Experiences

Apr 9, 2023

Exploring the World of Programming Languages: Types, Tips, and Personal Experiences

Thought about starting a programming career but were afraid to jump into it right away? Then maybe you should use the guide on all the types of languages and read some tips from seasoned developers. 

It was emphasized that the importance of understanding various types of programming languages and considering factors such as their levels of abstraction, programming paradigms, and specific applications couldn’t be too overrated. The piece also highlighted the role of community support, available resources, personal preferences, and staying current with industry trends in the process of learning and mastering programming languages. By taking these factors into account, individuals were said to make informed decisions about which languages to learn and ultimately become more versatile and efficient programmers.

JavaScript: A Roadmap for Emerging Coders

Apr 13, 2023

JavaScript: A Roadmap for Emerging Coders

JavaScript, created by Brendan Eich just 10 days back in 1995, is the most widely used and universal programming language. And if you wanted to be a skilled coder, this should be the language you should get into. And the mentioned tips should be the ones to help you quicker integrate into this field. 

Key advice included building a strong foundation to learn programming fundamentals, engaging in hands-on practical projects, collaborating with peers, staying updated on trends and technologies, seeking help when needed, and cultivating a growth mindset. These insights were mentioned to allow learners to better navigate the challenges of learning JavaScript and set themselves up for a successful coding career.

Breaking Down the Benefits: Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Learn JavaScript in 2023

Apr 18, 2023

Breaking Down the Benefits: Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Learn JavaScript in 2023

It’s understandable that JavaScript is a fundamental language. But should young programmers still learn it in 2023? As it was shown, there were at least 5 reasons why they definitely should get a grasp of JavaScript.

According to Stack Overflow’s 2021 Developer Survey, over 67% of developers used JavaScript, making it the most popular language. And its widespread use was not the only mentioned reason. Ease of learning, strong community support, high-paying job opportunities, and a bright future also contributed to the question of why JavaScript was important to learn. As a versatile and beginner-friendly language, JavaScript offers a wide range of applications and career opportunities, as well as a wealth of resources and an active developer community. With an increasing demand for skilled JavaScript developers and a growing job market, learning JavaScript presents a promising path for those looking to enter the field of web development.

Learning to Code: Tips and Insights for Success

Apr 24, 2023

Learning to Code: Tips and Insights for Success

The main thing that can help you learn to code quickly and efficiently is the right approach to the studying process. For those who are not sure how they should do that, there is an article with special tips. 

It shared top strategies for mastering coding and optimizing the learning experience, emphasizing breaking down complex problems, embracing challenges and mistakes, learning from others’ code, focusing on one language at a time, and practicing consistently. Collaboration, building a portfolio, setting realistic goals, avoiding “tutorial hell,” documenting the learning journey, experimenting with personal projects, contributing to open-source initiatives, utilizing coding communities and resources, and learning effective debugging techniques were also stressed as essential components for success in programming. 

Java and JavaScript: A Comparative Analysis of Two Distinct Programming Languages

Apr 29, 2023

Java and JavaScript: A Comparative Analysis of Two Distinct Programming Languages

Java and JavaScript never were the same, even though they share the same part of the name. And if you were confused as to how you can distinguish between them, there’s an analysis that could help.

What was mainly highlighted there was that Java, a versatile, object-oriented language, was used for server-side applications, Android app development, and large-scale enterprise systems. JavaScript, a scripting language, on the other hand, focused on client-side web development for creating dynamic, interactive content. Key differences included language type and paradigm, syntax and structure, execution environment, use cases, and performance. As was shown, Java boasted better performance and was suitable for large-scale systems, while JavaScript was versatile and primarily used for client-side web development. Understanding these differences helped many developers make informed decisions about the best language for their projects.

How to Become a Full Stack Developer: A Comprehensive Guide

Apr 30, 2023

How to Become a Full Stack Developer: A Comprehensive Guide

Who are those people who do full-stack development? Have you ever thought of becoming one of them? For those of you who answered “yes” there was a roadmap to this career

Emphasizing the importance of understanding the role, acquiring essential skills, and choosing the right development stack would be your first steps on this journey. Full-stack developers, as versatile professionals< were mentioned to be responsible for creating and maintaining complete web applications. The guide suggested learning front-end and back-end development, database management, version control, frameworks and libraries, and web architecture. The recommendations also included choosing a development stack that aligns with one’s interests and goals, exploring various learning channels, gaining practical experience through internships and collaborative projects, and building a strong portfolio. Additionally, it was said to pay close attention to preparing for job interviews if you were to consider creating a professional path in the field.

Should I Quit My Job and Learn Programming? Diving into a Programming Career at 31

Apr 30, 2023 

Should I Quit My Job and Learn Programming? Diving into a Programming Career at 31

Reddit is a place of various discussions, and recently one hot topic sparked a lively debate. When 31-year-old Jack N. asked users to give him advice on bringing his decision to drastically switch to a programming career to life, nothing held them back from sharing their insights.

Key suggestions included having a plan, learning by doing, finding a mentor, networking, embracing the struggle, and considering freelance opportunities. Balancing learning and life, using online resources, focusing on fundamentals, learning from failure, pair programming, and seeking help and feedback were also emphasized. Additionally, staying up-to-date, embracing lifelong learning, and weighing the pros and cons before making a significant career shift were mentioned to be crucial in this journey. Some even suggested relevant alternatives to fully quitting like part-time courses, self-paced learning, and seeking employer support.

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