AcademicHelp, your trusted reviewer of academic resources and services, has added a new tool to its Learning Hub – Free Plagiarism Checker

Woman shrugging
✅ AI Essay Writer ✅ AI Detector ✅ Plagchecker ✅ Paraphraser
✅ Summarizer ✅ Citation Generator


Free plagiarism tool is designed to check your text and files. AcademicHelp is to help students create and protect original content.

Online Plagchecker for Students

Accurate and reliable

Our tool recognizes title pages, citations, and references in your texts without considering them plagiarism.

Smart detection algorithms

We have deployed advanced algorithms to decrease the amount of false positives and not to flag widely accepted short phrases.

Anti-cheating detection

Our algorithm can recognize common tricks used to fool basic plagiarism checkers, such as hidden symbols, paraphrazing and character replacement.

Our own advanced tool that will take it beyond simple word-for-word plagiarism detection to become your reliable writing companion.

Learning Hub

AcademicHelp is your personal 24/7 Inspiration and Ideas Delivery Service. We are on a mission to provide you with the tools to get the job done when you have a lot going on.

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