On Pinterest, users can create boards to pin various resources including study hacks, checklists, infographics, motivational quotes, playlists of soothing sounds and so much more. It is a beneficial tool to keep the brain refreshed, creative, and feeling focused. Have you tried using Pinterest for studying inspiration? And if so, what method have you found to be helpful?
Key Takeaways
- Pinterest boards were proven to be a valuable resource for studying, offering a plethora of study hacks, checklists, motivational quotes, and other resources that help with refreshing the mind, fostering creativity, and maintaining focus.
- It was also shown that Pinterest could not only aid in academic learning but also in personal growth.
- Social media in general is a great tool that boosts creativity, facilitates collaboration, and opens a variety of creative study techniques, such as making students’ study materials visually appealing or utilizing video study hacks from platforms like TikTok.
When thinking about social media as it impacts different groups of people, there’s no getting around the fact that college students are going to use it as a tool whether their professors encourage it or not.
But rather than passing it off, professors may want to consider suggesting it as it could be a great way for students — who would soon become young professionals — to learn the importance of making effective use of their time, understand how to weed out perception against reality, and overall become more mindful for what they allow themselves to consume. Additionally, it is also “a landscape where users can build a personal brand, market themselves or their company, explore jobs or internships, promote social causes and more,” Cole Clayborn wrote in U.S. News & World Report.
Social Media for College Students and Pinterest
As a matter of fact, some students have even found useful ways to utilize their social media accounts and maximize their influence, helping not only their classmates but impacting classrooms around the world.
One way we’ve seen this done is on Pinterest, where people are inspiring others to create better study habits, which requires the consideration of a few factors. One very important factor is to find out which analysis method works best for you as a student. Everyone can’t use the same studying techniques to excel in their college courses but thanks to the unique social content that has been put out there for everyone to access, there are so many options that scholars can use to make sure the information they’re learning actually stick. From Youtube and Instagram to TikTok and Pinterest the opportunities for building better study routines are endless.
Exploring New Ideas

Anyone can create a board with study tips but one way to be more efficient on Pinterest is to rake through study hacks that are not cliche. Consider trying to find tips that may be peak unique interests and haven’t already been done a million times before. In today’s society, much of the younger generations are all about working smarter, not harder, and that’s exactly how you should want to study. Sometimes an information overload can become so overwhelming that it causes a person to forget everything they learned right before taking an exam.
However, one way someone can ease their test-taking anxiety is by creating “mind maps,” a method suggested by SimplyStudiez on TikTok per Pinterest. A mind map is a great option for someone who is more of a visual learner. It requires you to jot down the study topic at the centre of a blank sheet of paper and then write the information around it. Some examples of pinboards include:
- Chloe Burroughs, a university coach who provides study tips across Pinterest;
- Become Your Most, an account that covers all things college studies and more;
- And Saloni Sharma, an account that not only shares study methods but also spreads “positivity and life-changing tips.”
Teaching students how to start thinking critically and analyzing topics is an essential skill set that they can take with them throughout their careers, and it all starts with narrowing down a goal. With Pinterest, students can find ways to study for different subjects including nursing school exams, English essays, math finals, and so much more. Whether they have time to study weeks in advance or may just need a quick refresher at the last minute there are so many options that can help every individual on a case-by-case basis.
“Using Pinterest can help students develop problem-solving skills while gaining a sense of independence. As they use Pinterest to develop their creative muscles and their research skills, they’ll start to gain a sense of self-reliance.”
Rossier blog, University of Southern California
Words of Encouragement
We all know procrastination can become a giant roadblock and a thief of time, which ultimately gets in the way of success. That is why you should consider starting your study time by reading some motivational affirmations and quotes. Pinterest is a place where you can share how you’re feeling in one word and will more than likely find thousands of uplifting quotes. It’s the one online space that thrives in making its users feel good and inspired.
Perhaps you could break down what you’re feeling and how it gets in the way of your workflow, then create separate motivational study boards based on those elements. Whether you’re feeling doubtful, distracted, or simply tired it wouldn’t hurt to start saving a collection of quotes that pertain to your needs in those areas. One quote that is straightforward and to the point reads:
“Put your phone down, put your phone down, put your phone down and study.”
Sometimes our distractions come from our phones, and while you may using Pinterest from your device it may be helpful to turn your phone on the ‘Do Not Disturb’ status while you’re studying to aid your focus. When creating these sorts of motivational boards, you should categorize them with hashtags and tags so that others looking for the same inspiration can easily find and pin them.
Boosts Creativity
In this new digital age, creativity is at the core. So much so that people have proven that you can make an honest living just from being a creative individual and displaying it on the internet for the world to see. As creativity relates to Pinterest, it’s basically the gist of the entire platform. Pinning new boards is a great way to organize your clever thoughts into sections that only have to make sense to you. Who wouldn’t want to do that?
“For collaboration across creatives, Pinterest inspires new ideas and translates concepts you’ve had in mind by surfacing them visually through Pins. Once you have Pins which can be organized through boards, it’s a tangible way to start effective discussions across creatives.”
lead product designer Jamie Cabaccang for It’s Nice That.
KDigital Studio is an impactful page to download a digital planner to prepare for studying, helping you to stay on top of your work.
Creating Your Own Boards
Ways that you can use study pins to boost your creativity, is by making unique boards to post on the app. Putting together a rundown or plan to help with the review process could be a fun way to get your visionary thinking juices flowing. A Pinterest User made a graphic titled “Romanticise Studying” which included study ratios, tips, and techniques. This was a special way to show exactly how you can make studying fun for yourself depending on the things you like — it doesn’t always have to be flashcards.
Especially if you are a visual learner, black and white may not be the most memorable for you. Schipper Study is a page that offers “tips for self-improvement” and encourages “romanticizing student life.”
Pinterest TikToks
On Pinterest, you may also come across videos, from TikTok where people share digital study hacks. One study tip video found on TikTok suggested that people should record themselves reciting information needed on an exam, and it is definitely an underrated hack for studying in a creative way.
One other way that pinning can boost creativity is to read through the comments of other students who are sharing and comparing their experiences of whether or not a tip was valuable. While there’s always trial and error in most situations, saving yourself some time is always nice. College Life Made is a nice option for an account to follow if you are looking for more than just scholarly assistance. The page offers tips for money-saving and organizing, which is a great way to start by being intentional rather than leaning on procrastination.

Teaching Tool for New Information
“Pinterest is a great social media platform for teachers to use to prepare and organize resources, lesson plans and worksheets for their classes in one place. Create boards according to class or subject, and create sub-topic boards for weekly units or all worksheets,”
Chloe West in Sprout Social.
Students can do the same as their instructors by putting together projects, exam study guides, classroom notes and more. If they create a board that everyone in the class has access to, it could be a worthwhile tool not only for the professor but also for the retention of the subject matter in which the students are being taught. After all, who wouldn’t want to learn about better note-taking tactics? These are some pages that provide a great amount of studying resources:
- The University Network is a helpful page to consider for studying resources;
- The Werk Life is a great option if you’re seeking ways to become more productive and efficient in your workflow.
Social Media – The Today&Tomorrow of Studying
Saying that social media can’t be used as a learning tool is a far stretch from the truth, but it’s all about how you’re using it. In a 2022 survey conducted by Pew Research Center, it was reported that:
“Half of 18- to 29-year-olds in the United States say they have some or a lot of trust in the information they get from social media sites, just under the 56% who say the same about information from national news organizations, but somewhat below the 62% who say so about information from local news organizations.”
While you should carefully fact-check pretty much all of the information you read, social media can still be an impressive learning environment … at least for the most part. Using it as more of a tool for studying information that you may have learned in your classrooms, or perhaps digging deeper into a topic that your instructor is covering would be a great way to make use of social media within your education.
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