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By Bhalachandra Sahaj

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Hi everyone!

teen using notebookI bet you’ve been hearing phrases like “Facebook and studying are incompatible” or “Facebook makes your academic performance decrease dramatically” or something like that. To a large extent, it is true; students who overuse Facebook (as well as other social networks, or similar services) demonstrate poorer social and academic skills. But I believe it depends mostly not on the sole fact that a student uses social networks, but rather on how he or she uses them. To me, Facebook can be a decent assistant, and here is what I did to make this social network aid me in my studying.

1. Subscribe to different communities dedicated to education, academic stuff, studying hints, writing help, and so on. Facebook is full of these kinds of communities, and you can easily find 5-10 groups that can make your newsfeed more informative. Such communities as the Educators Network, Educators Using Facebook,, K12 Inc., and so on can be helpful when studying. Search for some of them yourself, and you will be updated with the freshest tips, hints, and advice about studying.

2. Subscribe to the profiles of your school/college teachers. I am not a student any longer, but back in my days, professors would update their profiles with something both interesting and useful. For example, my English literature professor enjoyed creating charts and graphs like “Shakespeare in 15 minutes” or “Be on good terms with Oscar Wilde.” Besides, being Facebook friends with a professor means having a source of answers on almost any question you have about the material you currently study. Do not hesitate to ask questions—teachers enjoy communicating with students who are not indifferent about their subject, so in the majority of cases, you can count on receiving a detailed answer to your question or a valuable recommendation.

3. Cooperate with your peers. Two heads are always better than one, and solving almost any task in a group is easier than being a lone wolf and fighting with the problem on your own. Offer your friends to think about a task together; you can do it online, or arrange a meeting somewhere. Facebook offers a lot of possibilities that make online studying easier: file sharing, group chatting, image posting, and so on. Just make sure you do not end up procrastinating and uploading tons of selfies like, “Look everyone, I’m studying online!”

Definitely, there are many other ways to use Facebook for studying effectively—these three were just the first to pop up in my head. And how do you use Facebook for studying? Please, share your ways in the comments.

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